Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Another Awesome Morning

It's almost 9:00 and I have been out on the water since 7:30, paddling down to Whitney Bay and Snug Harbor and back.  The lake was delicious, smooth and blue, cold heading north with the sun at my back, warm heading home as I even worked up a sweat despite the temperature in the '30s.  What a great way to start my morning for photographs of birds.  While I was out, Evie was finishing up the Shutterfly book (perhaps) so it may be sent off to Shutterfly sometime today.

Kayak Morning
Wood Ducks Feeding At Woodlawn Creek
My Morning Destination
Southern Sky
Sun And Lake
Yesterday began with a sunny morning but by 9:30, it began to cloud up.  We were not sure what to do with the day but the temperature was in the low '40's, perfect for working outside so we got busy by 10:00.  I drove off to Tri Jame and picked up five buckets off topsoil after stopping by their office and ordering twenty bucks worth.  It will allow me to make eight trips.  When I got home, Evie had been weeding the area around our well, where the peonies grow, where she puts many of her dahlias.  Over the winter, many of our beds seem to have lost their topsoil, so I spread the buckets in this area, adding some fertilizer as well.  It took a while because we had to break up the dirt first, then add the topsoil after Evie had done some weeding.

Bald Eagle Perched Near Whitney Bay
 Buffleheads March
I was pooped by noon, ready to relax and have lunch.  Evie had made a tasty pot of lentil soup before working outside so I had a bowl of soup and quesadillas and watched Fauda.  I was tired from getting up early so I was able to take a decent nap.  I knew I wanted to get another load of topsoil so after my nap and some reading, I drove back to Tri James and picked up five more buckets.  I spread them in some of the beds, building them up where the water would puddle and put a layer on some of the bare spots where we planted grass.  Evie wanted to get in some walking, so I powered up the lawnmower and off she went for forty minutes, walking a mile and a half, cutting our lawn.

Male Red-Winged Blackbird
The Drab Female Red-Winged Black Bird
Needless to say, we were both ready to relax with a glass of vino by the time we finished at 5:30.  We were having ham again because we had so much left and it was so good.  I suggested twice baked potatoes might go well with it, so Evie baked the potatoes in the morning and made the twice-baked after cutting the lawn.  What a gal.  So we had the ham, with twice-baked potatoes, Brussel sprouts and a cabbage salad, better than the night before. I don't know why we don't have ham more often.  We were determined to finish Homeland so we watched the last two episodes, finishing the series.  I can't say this was my favorite season. None of the later seasons compare with the first two but I must say we really liked the ending, perfect for the series.  Well done.  We watched a couple of Cheers to finish the night; we are on Season Two.

An Axios chart shows even the reaction to the Covid19 Virus Stats Are Political:

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