7:21 |
7:27 |
7:30 |
Well, it's 8:00 and I am sitting out on our front porch, listening to the rain, the thunder, watching an occasional flash of lightning. It's warmer than the past few days if 57º may be considered warm. It looks like no kayaking, just a long coffee hour before I drive to yoga for the first time in a couple of weeks.
7:44 |
We had an easy Tuesday, with not much doing. We had a morning of coffee, finishing the blog and Evie making up a list for Wegman's. I took a walk around the neighborhood, just to get my bones moving before driving off to Lakewood. I stopped for coffee, talked with the bookstore manager, wondering if the new Elizabeth Strout novel was in, OLIVE AGAIN. It wasn't. I then stopped at Home Depot to pick up some grass seed, talk with the carpet gal, then I stopped to pick up five more buckets of topsoil, to fill in some low spots in our yard.
For lunch, I had a sub that I picked up at Wegman's. It's big enough for a couple of lunches, especially when I have a bowl of Evie's squash soup. While I was gone, Evie made a pot of our vegetable soup, its aroma filling the kitchen when I walked in with the groceries, a sign of fall and the coming of winter. We live on this soup for nine months. During lunch, I finished the second season of Line of Duty, then read some before falling asleep for a nice nap.
Mid-afternoon, we went out and emptied the topsoil into the wheelbarrow and spread both dirt and grass seed around our yard, once again encouraging the lawn to fill in, especially over our leech field, which always seems to turn brown and the areas where we had trees removed. Both areas need constant reseeding. After finishing up, it was so nice out we walked out on the dock, enjoyed the sunshine, the fall colors, and split a blueberry beer, When the wind picked up, we went inside and Evie started prepping our dinner, another favorite (I have many favorites), scallops with a lemon, wine and garlic sauce over linguini. We get frozen scallops from Aldi's, plump and tasty, and for under ten bucks, we have a great dinner.
We watched a decent movie on Netflix, The Life of David Gale, with Kate Winslett and Kevin Spacey before turning to the debate. It's difficult to say who stood out. Both Biden and Warren had difficulty communicating clearly. Joe missed a chance to stand out and was somewhat inarticulate and is at his best when he hides (he did not hurt himself). Warren repeats herself too many times, sounding preachy and evasive on healthcare costs. I thought Klobchar and Mayor Pete stood out, as reasonable and articulate. And Bernie, as always, was passionate and radically sensible but his mantra never changes. In the end, Democrats are back where they started, as nothing changed after last night.
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