Saturday, October 12, 2019

Dreary With Drizzle

It's just before 8:00 and I have been up since 6:30, watching the sky turn gray, then more gray with light rain.  It's 56º and I doubt if it will get much warmer.  I was just about ready to go out and kayak on a clear but gray morning, but then it started to drizzle, the lake misted over so here I sit, writing the blog.

We were fortunate once again to have a classic fall day, sunny and cool for the most part.  I even got in my first paddle in a couple of weeks it was so tempted to be out on the lake.  After coffee and the blog, we planned out our day, with lots of leisure, little work.  I left around 10:30, stopped at the barn where my boat is stored and pulled the battery, the drain plug and grabbed the key.  Then, I drove to Lakewood, stopped for coffee, talked with Dave and the regulars for 15 minutes, then ran into Home Depot and Wegman's to pick up a few things.  On the way home, I stopped at Scott's vegetable stand and picked up three dozen ears of corn, each dozen a different variety.  We are taking the corn into a clambake in Euclid today at my sister Linda's home.  Clambakes are a tradition in my family that goes all the way back to the 1950s with my Mom and Dad. 

While I was gone, Evie did some planting, digging holes and planting the phlox and butterfly bush we bought last week at the Merrifield Nursery in Gainesville, VA.  And after the planting, she threw together a squash soup for my lunch.  So I watched my show, with soup and toasted cheese sandwiches, always a lunchtime favorite.  I then read some of my new book, THE FOX, which is keeping me interested so far, about a hacker from the UK.  The rest of the afternoon we avoided anything that seemed like work. Evie relaxed in the side yard, loving the sun and coolness.  I played around in the yard, the garage, and garden, accomplishing little if anything other than biding time until I cracked open a bottle of TJ's rose. 

Long Point At 5:30
It was pleasant enough to sit out on the front porch and enjoy the late afternoon before Evie decided to get busy in the kitchen.  Earlier in the day, she had pounded thin some pork schnitzel cleaned Brussel sprouts, washed red potatoes and served up homemade applesauce.  So while the potatoes were baking, she fried up the schnitzel and roasted the Brussel sprouts. By the time dinner was ready, we were both famished and went back for seconds on everything.  Obviously a tasty dinner.  We watched Colbert, then the last two episodes of The Politician, more compelling then the other episodes although it clearly sets up the next season. We ended the night with Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives.

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