7:33 |
It's just before 8:00 as I slept in until 7:00, up just in time to see the sunrise, then hide behind a cloud bank, and now rise again, filling the lake with its reflection. We may get some rain later in the day but most of the day should be decent enough to enjoy being outside.
Kayak Morning |
Yesterday was not a typical Friday, especially in the afternoon. The morning, however, was the usual, kayaking over to Tom's Point and home, a good hour on the lake. I then finished the blog with Evie's editing, then went to yoga class with Julie. After yoga, I stopped for a coffee, the bank, and home, not needing to stop at Wegman's for once.
Dahlia And A Bee |
When I returned home, I got busy with some of my fall chores and drove to the gravel pit and picked up five buckets of stones to put on a pad next to our house where I hope to store some of our summer chairs over the winter as needed. It took me forty-five minutes to get in done, then I gathered up our four water hoses we used to get water from the lake and tied them up. By then, Evie had my lunch ready, just made corn chowder a family favorite. Too bad our granddaughters are not here to enjoy it. I had a bagel with tomatoes as I watched another episode of Line Of Duty which I am really liking, a good afternoon series.
Evie, after working in the kitchen, making soup, getting things organized, spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the sun on a sunny, pleasant afternoon. I took a quick nap, read some then started the unenviable task of talking with an Apple consultant about moving my Aperture Library to Photos, a must because Aperture will no longer work on the new Apple update. I did get in a touch with a good guy, who walked me through a couple of steps, first repairing my Aperture library, a four hour task, then moving one library to another which, I found this morning, when I go up, did not work for some reason so its back to ground zero and calling Apple again.
We decided since it was Friday and we are good pagans, we would drive to the Rod and Gun Club for a fish fry, hoping it would not be too crowded. It was, however, but we did find the last two seats at their vast bar. For the first 15 or 20 minutes, we talked with each other, sipped a beer, gambled but then struck up a conversation with a couple seating next to Evie for the next half hour. They are locals, live now in Frewsburg, have two kids and five grandchildren. They were fun to talk with and for once, we spent most of the time talking about us rather than listening to them tell us all about their lives. We agreed to look for each other the next time we were at the Rod And Gun. We were then called to our table, ordered our fish fry and just about time it was to arrive, the waitress tripped carrying a tray of food and spilled it on the floor. With a minute four or five servers were there to help and all was well except our fish fry was a bit late, no problem. Evie loved her fish and is becoming an aficionado of Friday night fish fry, a good ex-catholic.
We stopped at Wegmans on the way home, for a treat, a box of Nutty Buddies, Evie's favorite ice cream cone and were home by 9:00, in time to watch Colbert and his guest, Bernie Sanders who was really good at explaining his policies, his reasons for them, and how he would pay for it.