Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Pink Sky In The Morning

Juvenile Bald Eagle


It's 6:15, the sun yet to rise and I have been up since 5:30.  It's 65º out, clear skies for now but rain predicted for later in the day.  No boats in sight, a feeble breeze, a good morning for a paddle. I was out for over an hour, out to Tom's Point, following an osprey and later I spotted a juvenile bald eagle, a rare sighting,

Osprey At Tom's Point

Yesterday it was almost back to normal as I started the day with a paddle, came home to finish the blog and have breakfast.  The difference, Beth and I went to yoga at 9:00, as she wants to get back to her yoga classes.  She has been to class enough over the past few years that Danielle, as well as some of the other students, recognize her.  The class was good, lots of breathing exercises as well as asanas.  After class, we had to go to Ryder's Cup of course because Beth had promised to bring Marisa a chai latte. 

Evie and Marisa were on the front porch when we returned, having had a relaxing morning, no chores other than cleaning up the kitchen.  Everyone was hungry so Beth made some black beans and chicken enchiladas, easy and always good.  Since we had no plans for the afternoon, we spent it as usual, out om the dock enjoying some sun.  I took a brief nap but soon joined Evie and because it was a sunny afternoon, I suggested we take a boat ride around dinner time and took the cover off the boat. I always kid that taking the cover off the boat is a sure way to bring the rain. 

Evie Loving The Rain
Well, yesterday, it came true as within a half-hour of taking it off, it clouded up, I put the cover back on and when I snapped the last snap, it started to rain.  We hurried in and sat on the porch and watched it rain for ten minutes enough to just wet the lawn.

Stormy Weather

Afternoon Rainbow
 We then just sat on the porch, until 5:00 when it was wine time and once again it clouded up, poured for a good 20 minutes, driving us into the house and off the porch.  I checked the rain gauge and we received a half inch in the afternoon.  We were having one of Beth's favorite dinners, rack of lamb, so I cleaned them up, took off some of the fat, seared them in a frying pan, then put them in the oven for about 20 minutes.  Earlier, Evie had roasted some red potatoes, and with a salad, we had another great dinner, the lamb tender and rare. 

Dinner With The Gals
We relaxed with our devices after dinner until 8:30, when we had brownies and ice cream and watched a couple more episodes of Working Moms on Netflix.  We had enough around 10:15 and all of us went up to bed to read, watch a show, or sleep in my case. 

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