Saturday, August 10, 2019

A Sunny Morning, Empty Nest

Gule, Gule, Beth And Marisa


I actually slept in till 6:25, came downstairs just as the sun was rising above Long Point at 6:30.  It's just me and Evie now, as Beth and Marisa left for home yesterday and the summer of 2019 is basically over, just us and our neighbors.  It was grand.  It's 7:30 and I am still sitting here, writing my blog and listening to a Bill Simmons podcast, as he is interviewing Sarah Silverman on what is usually a sport's show.  It's almost 9:00 and I just returned from a short and rough paddle, lots of wind, waves, and boat wakes made for a difficult and wet kayak morning.


Dahlia In The Morning 
Yesterday was one of those days where you wait all day for when it's time to leave for the airport. I did kayak and came home to Beth and Evie having their coffee on the front porch.  When Marisa got up, she wanted crepes for breakfast, so Evie immediately got out the bowls and flour and made a batter and within 20 minutes, Marisa had her crepes, with sugar, lemons, and blueberries.  I know they were good because I had a couple as well.  Around 11:00, Beth, Marisa and Evie went out on the dock to enjoy some sunshine on their final day.  I finally decided to get out there, be part of the dock party but as I walked out on the dock, storm clouds were gathering behind me and literally as I unfolded my chair, it began to drizzle and all of us ran back into the house.  It only rained for maybe five minutes, enough however to ruin our dock time.

Amazing Dahlia Color Palettes
Evie had fried some bacon while she was making Marisa's crepes, so for lunch, we had BLT's, always tasty and it makes me wonder why we don't have them more often.  After lunch, the final packing and checking for ID's, devices and chargers began, making sure nothing was left behind.  All four of us took a final selfie at 2:20 before we left for the airport.  We went the back way, ran into a detour which only, fortunately, added ten minutes to our trip. And in an hour and a half, Beth and Marisa were walking into the airport and then it was back to routine, to habit, to our lives at the lake, mostly uneventful and quiet, as we plan our next trip to see our kids.

We were home by 5:30 and were quickly relaxing on the front porch, with our first Manhattan in weeks, hoping to assuage our funk/blahs.  They helped.  For dinner, we ate the leftover eggplant parmesan, just as good as the night before and I wish we could have it again tonight it was so good.  Creatures of habit, we watched Real Time with Bill Maher, our usual Friday night fare, then a couple of more episodes of Working Moms, not as much fun, however, without Beth and Marisa.  We were both tired enough to go to be by 10:00 after what seemed like a long day.

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