Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Winter Moon, Morning Sky

Winter Moon




It's 7:00 and the sky over Bemus Bay has a vast slash of orange on a below zero morning.  A few tents are out on the ice already despite the frigid temperatures.  And the irony of the day is that tonight, the temperatures rise and we will have quite a bit of rain early Wednesday before the temperature drops again Thursday morning.

Yesterday was not much of a day because of the cold.  After coffee and breakfast, I started my car, let it run for five minutes as I cleaned off the snow and ice so I could drove to yoga.  I assume class would be small because of the cold and I was right, maybe ten of us.  It was warm in the studio, however, a nice change from outdoors.  I stopped for a coffee, talked with Dave and Joyce for ten minutes before driving home.

Evie had a bad night sleeping so she spent a good part of the day taking it easy, not worrying about accomplishing anything.  I think Sunday's cooking marathon took it out of her.  For lunch, I warmed up the wheatberry soup with spinach and made myself a couple of tuna sandwiches on a bagel and watched another episode of FNL. 

I then read my Davis Silva novel and took a brief nap.  Unfortunately, though the sun was out and the day turned beautiful, with blue skies and sun, it was too cold for me to the ski, so I stayed in all afternoon.  I did receive a phone call from two of my students from Robert College in Turkey.  One, Refik, lives in D.C. and is a professor at George Washington, the other, Sami is a very successful businessman with houses all over the world.  He showed us amazing hospitality when we visited Istanbul in 2009, driving us around Turkey, letting us stay in a couple of his homes.  Anyways, both are doing well and Sami was adamant about having Evie and I visit Turkey again this summer.  He said he will arrange everything and I am already feeling guilty because  Turkish hospitality is always over the top. 

Neither of us felt much like putting together a big dinner, so Evie made us a couple of croque monsieur sandwiches, basically a ham and swiss on Portuguese rolls.  With another bowl of wheatberry soup, we were fine.  We watched a good movie, THE WHALE AND THE SQUID, about a troubled marriage.  I thought we had seen it before but neither of us could remember any of it.  And so it goes.  We ended the night not with Colbert but with the Andy Cohen show with his guests, the three Kardashian sisters.  What can I say?  I am becoming a philistine. They were actually quite charming. 

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