Friday, January 4, 2019

Warming With Some Sunshine

When I got up at 6:15, Beth was already up and downstairs, the coffee made.  So we both sat on our couches, with our devices, occasionally talking as the sky began to lighten, even turn pink.  The lawn still has a dusting of snow, and the lake is open except for along the shoreline, its wrinkled surface reflecting various colors this morning.  And I just saw a fishing boat round Long Point, out early for a catch.

Looking Back At The Holidays and Disorganized Selfie
Yesterday was another day of Chautauqua gray and surprisingly cold, probably because of the dampness in the air.  I had no desire to kayak and instead, went for breakfast with three of the guys at the Bemus Point Inn.  Our numbers are dwindling as some head South for the next three months.  After breakfast, Beth and I drove to Lakewood for a Yin Yoga class. We left early and it was a good thing as lots had the same idea, start the new year off with a yoga class.  It was a class of twenty-five and we spent too much time on hip openers.  We were going out for lunch so before we ate, we decided to do some shopping, stopping at a local grocery store called Brigiotti's to pick up some vegetables, a store we like to support.  And because we were passing by Farm Fresh Foods with their own bakery, we stopped there and picked up various donuts for the day, mostly glazed.  We ended up at the Labyrinth Coffee Shop for lunch.  It's a vegetarian restaurant as well as coffee shop and both Beth and I love their food, especially their soups and wraps.  Beth got a mug of beer/cheese soup and we both ordered wraps although they were so full that we saved half for today's lunches.

Beth And Me
On the way home, we stopped at the new Harbor House Hotel in Celeron and walked around inside, seeing the cozy bar, the restaurant. both with great views of the lake.  It was not very busy, alas, a fear most of us have, that it won't be able to make a go of it.  When we arrived home, both Evie and Marisa were out shopping.  Beth checked her iPhone and saw that they were in TJMaxx shopping.  We both commiserated with Marisa who was having to let Granny have free rein shopping.  Eventually, we were able to tell they had gone for lunch at Olive Garden, a fun way to end their shopping therapy.  They got home around 3:00 and Evie bought lots of things that I didn't know we needed (like more pillows and wine glasses) but I guess we did.

The Shoppers
Because all four of us had eaten lunch out and nibbled or devoured a donut or two in the afternoon, we decided to put off a rack of lamb dinner and instead have something easy, Slovenian sausages and roasted potatoes although Evie finished off the pork chops and sauerkraut from our New Year's Day dinner.  We watched another episode of The Great British Baking Show then started a series Beth and Marisa really liked on Netflix called ATYPICAL.  It's about a family of four, a son with autism, an often ignored teenaged daughter, and parents struggling with their relationship as well as their love for their children.  It's pretty good, reminding Evie and me of Parenthood which had a similar theme.

The Gang 'Was' All Here

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