Sunday, January 6, 2019

Windy Morning, Choppy Lake, Partly Cloudy Skies



It's 7:40, dawn has more than arrived, as the gray lake and sky dominate the vista.  A few puffy white clouds hang over Long Point, a stark contrast to the gray that surrounds them.  It's 36º and wet out, from some rain last night, the snow finally melting.  No paddling with the mallards this morning even though some blue sky is beginning to show. 

Yesterday felt empty, as we were once again alone in our home after a couple of weeks of family.  To stave off the depression, we usually get busy and yesterday was no exception.  We did, however, decide to be sensible about it and do one room at a time.  So after our coffee, breakfast, cleaning out the refrigerator and trip to the Transfer Station, we decided to tackle the front bedroom.  I took off the sheets, Evie washed them, then we both went upstairs and gave it a deep cleaning, Evie washing the radiators, baseboards, and blinds as I vacuumed and put things away.  By the time we were done, the sheets were washed and dried, so we made the bed and we had one bedroom back to its best, ready for the next visitors.  I have to admit before I retired, I never thought about keeping a bedroom clean.  It was always something Evie usually accomplished but now that I am retired, we both tend to be involved although I have to admit Evie seems much more adept and passionate about it.  I just follow her lead. 

Breaking Ice
By noon, then, we had one bedroom down, three to go for another day.  Since I had just a banana and yogurt before lunch, I was hungry so Evie made me a toasted cheese sandwich and I was happy.  I then read some, took a nap and then watched the movie SPOTLIGHT, with Evie.  We had seen it before, liked it and marveled at how a newspaper's discovery of sexual abuse by Catholic priests and the Church's hiding it, could be such a riveting film.  It also emphasizes the importance of the press, its power when used correctly.  Because of the Boston Globe, abuse by Priests has been uncovered literally worldwide. And the Pope has apologized: 'we showed no care for the little ones; we abandoned them.'  Without the press, this might still be going on,

Around 5:00, we watched a bit of football before deciding to enjoy a Manhattan and cheese and crackers around the fireplace and listen to music.  Neither of us were very hungry and did not worry much about dinner because we had leftovers from the night before, a few lamb chops and baked ziti.  So after our mannie and cheese and crackers, Evie heated up our dinner, made a salad and we were back to normal, sitting in front of the TV, eating our dinners, trying to figure out what to watch on TV.  We started with the NFL but quickly decided to watch the last two episodes of The Great English Baking Show before going up to bed. We agreed it's more fun when there are ten or twelve bakers, rather than two or three.  If you are interested, Rahul was the top baker, beating out Ruby and Kim Joy. 

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