Friday, January 18, 2019

It's A Coming


Long Point, Early Friday Morning
It's just after 8:00 and I have been up for forty-five minutes, sleeping in a bit.  We received a couple of inches of wet snow last night but the snow, at least 6-12 inches, is coming Saturday and Sunday, with Monday supposedly sunny.  The fishing huts are out, lots of them like they have been the past week.  The walleyes are biting and a friend came home with a 23 incher on Tuesday.

We had a good day yesterday even though the weather was blah, gray and cold.  I got to yoga, found a spot and had a good class. Afterward, I went to Aldi, hoping to pick up their vacuum packed salmon but they were gone.  I picked up a few other items, waited in a long line and marveled at how fast the check out gal moves your items.  She literally fires them into the cart since Aldi's does not use bags.

When I walked into the kitchen, I was met by the amazing aromas of cumin, coriander, and ginger as Evie had made a pot of Indian cauliflower soup, using sweet potatoes this time instead of white potatoes, giving it a sweet taste.  I loved it of course, with a salami sandwich, with tomato and dijon mustard.  While I watched another Friday Night Lights, Evie got ready to drive to Mayville for another PT appointment.  She was cross-examined by her therapist as to why she went to Jamestown last week and not him.  She fudged her answer to make him feel good.

I took advantage of the empty house, read, napped and felt guilty for watching another episode of Friday Night Lights but admit to it.  I also felt guilty about not putting on my cross country skis but I just didn't feel like skiing.  When I returned, Evie talked with her sister, Jean, in Texas for a good hour.  I don't know how they do it because a five-minute call for most guys is too long.  When she got off, it was 5:00 and Evie did not much feel like cooking.  So we made the decision to go out, spontaneously, which is not our usual modus operandi. Of course, we were not sure where to go but I came up with the idea of the Stockton Hotel, really just a restaurant, which we always seem to forget exists.  It's a twenty-minute drive but the roads were fine at dusk.

Before we walked in, Evie wondered if a couple of our friends from the Viking Club, Randy and Karen, would be there because we had seen them there before.  I said probably not but when we walked in, they were sitting at the bar and greeted us warmly.  We squeezed in at the end of the bar but eventually moved down so we could sit next to them.  They are both snowmobile enthusiasts, have been for years, and at this time year, they usually ride to restaurants or bars. They are looking forward to Sunday when the trails will open for the first time this year.  It was fun talking with them about their experiences because they ride all over Chautauqua and Cattaraugus County, sometimes putting sixty or seventy miles on their snowmobiles in a day.  We ended up ordering burgers and fries, and they were great, some of the best we have had so we were happy.  The road was clear with little traffic on the way home which was nice.

Burgers, Beer, And Fries With Friends
We watched two episodes of a new series on Amazon Prime, BLOOD, which was recommended to us by my sister, Ellen.  It's a different sort of murder mystery, as the police are hardly involved, just family.  We ended the night as usual with Colbert and some 'always breaking news,' before going up to bed.

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