Monday, January 7, 2019

2019 Really Begins




I slept in some, until 7:00, awakened by the wind chimes.  It's a gusty morning of 26º, with rain or ice pellets, a wintery mix,  predicted for later in the day.  So no kayaking or hiking, probably just yoga and some shopping today.

Snowless Winter Woods

Blue Sky Beyond The Trees
Yesterday we began the day with energy. It dwindled, however, as the day progressed so that by 2:00 we hardly moved from our couches, spending far too much time in front of the TV.  I did wake with a desire to get outside, so by 9:00, I was hiking our woods, the snow gone, just mud and leaves and barren trees accompanied my walk.  I ran into our neighbors, Charlie and Grovey, up for the weekend and caught up on their lives.  When I returned home, I busied myself with taking down our tree while Evie worked on the orange room, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning and putting on clean sheets.  By 11:30, the tree was gone, the room clean, the downstairs vacuumed and picked up. 

Sunday Morning At 10:00 PM
We have not been Kondoizing like Evie's sister Elaine, just putting things back in order.  I mention Kondoizing because Netflix had just added a new series called Tidying Up With Marie Kondo and a couple of our friends have been spurred on by her series to Kondoizing their homes.  I have tried to follow some of her suggestions, like folding my tee shirts and boxers into rolls and putting them in drawers but found it's easier and quicker to just lay them on top of each other.  Of course, the tee shirts ended up being so wrinkled that I can't wear them so I solved the problem by putting them on hangars, problem solved if you, like me, wear lots of tee shirts. 

Around 1:00, Evie put together our big breakfast, potatoes, bacon, eggs, and toast and we watched our CBS Sunday morning, as we quickly have gotten back into a routine.  Manhattans on Saturday, big breakfast and CBS Sunday Morning on Sunday.  We watched some football for twenty minutes before I returned to my book and napped.  Around 3:00, we decided to really waste the day and watched an afternoon movie, THE RAINMAKER with Matt Dillon, something we rarely do.  The movie was not great, predictable, but it was a good way to waste the afternoon. 

Evie had earlier put together our dinner from Zingerman Guide to Good Eating, a cookbook from a famous delicatessen in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  Basically, you roast a spatchcocked chicken on a bed of caramelized onions and celery, layered on thick pieces of thick bread.  Unfortunately, despite falling the directions, the chicken was dry, the French bread somewhat burned.  It was edible but not as good as the last time we made it with chicken thighs.  We watched some football, then a couple of episodes of The Great British Baking Show, and ended the evening with the Golden Globe Awards. 

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