7:51 |
8:36 |
It's 8:00 and Evie has just gotten up. I have been up since 7:00, watching the lake slowly populate with fishing huts. After all, it's Sunday, a day to fish. It's overcast, no sunrise this morning, a chilly 21º with a bitter north wind.
Walking/Skiing Long Point State Park |
Yesterday ended being a good day although we really had no plans when we woke. We took our time waking up, enjoying our coffee, breakfast, and our devices, in no hurry to get things done. Around 10:00, however, Evie was fed up with me looking like an old goat and gave me a major trim, making me look like a 'young boy' once again. After a shower, I gathered our trash and drove off to the Transfer Station. By the time I returned, Evie had showered and put on her winter togs so we drove off to hike the Long Point State park woods. I decided to cross country ski, hoping the trails were good for it. They were except for the beginning when I attempted to ski over a two-foot berm of ice and ended up on my 'okole', a Hawaiian word for derriere.
Old Man Falling |
Evie, of course, got a kick out of it and I had to take off my skis so I could get up. We did, however, have a good trip through the woods, the tree trunks frosted with snow. We met only one couple, walking their dog, who has a home in the Point Chautauqua and are from Chagrin Falls. Evie did really well despite the rutted trail and even though we were out over an hour, she felt great.
When we returned home, I pulled last night's dinner, the potato, cauliflower and ham casserole out of the refrigerator, cut myself a big piece and heated it up in the oven. It was just as good if not better than the night before. I watched some basketball, then read and took a nap. By 3:30, we were both ready to drive to the Lakewood Mall to see the Academy Award Nominated film, GREEN BOOK. We were happy to see the theater now had what seem to be Lazyboys, the kind that you can recline and the feet rise up. Evie loved it. The movie was a bit preachy and predictable, but worth seeing, both informative and feel good. I'm not quite sure it's an Oscar movie although now they pick ten nominees, making it easier to be chosen. It did take me back to my Ohio University days when we played basketball in a tournament in the South in 1963. I had no idea there were still 'whites only' hotels and restaurants and our black players never mentioned it.
After the movie, we decided to head to the Rod And Gun, one of our three clubs! The bar is huge, seating at least fifty if not more but we had to wait a few minutes before a couple left so we could get a seat. It was a crowded night and we knew we would have at least an hour wait. So we enjoyed our beers although Evie watched the bartender make bloody marys and because they looked so good, she ordered one. We ended up running into Tina and Jim, a couple who live on the lake about a half mile from us. They like us, are up most mornings, especially on weekends, and kayak. So we have had many conversations over our kayaks but never in a restaurant. They are up from Pittsburgh for the weekend for a family get together. We will see them once again in June, once the lake's ready for kayers. It was fun talking with them.
A Happy Coincidence, With A Couple of Neighbors/Kayakers |
Finally, as we were sitting at the bar, we noticed a couple of women, both most likely in their 80's, were sipping Manhattans, our favorite drink. When they ordered a second, Evie said we would like to pay for them, making them our friends for life. They were both local residents of course, and were enjoying a night out. Just about the time we would have been called to the dining room, we both began to think about an alternative, hitting Kentucky Fried chicken for a take out and driving home, settling in our cozy TV room and watching Bill Maher's Real Time. Well, the urge overtook our good sense and we are probably the only couple in New York who passed up a prime rib dinner for 'finger-lickin' Kentucky Fried Chicken.
And I have to admit that we were both happy with our choice although we felt guilty at our decision to pass on the beef, preferring the Kentucky fried, just a couple of bourgeoise and proud of it! Real Time was great as Bill had the 'she-devil' on, conservative writer Anne Coulter. She was outrageous as usual and happens to be a good, longtime friend of Maher which is interesting. We ended the night with Colbert although Evie went up to bed midway through it, too tired to stay up.