Sunday, November 4, 2018

A Short Lived Morning Sky



Because of daylight savings time, I was up before 6:00, anxious to see the sky and kayak because of the change in time.  My mornings become light earlier, the afternoon ends earlier.  And I was served up a red sky morning, a calm lake, and a freezing 32º.  It's 6:40, the sky over Tom's Point is painted a reddish-orange, and the sun should rise in maybe 15 minutes.  And as the sun rises up towards the horizon, the colors dull, as the sun's light takes over.  And, unfortunately, a cloud bank has moved in, blocking any sunrise for a while.

Kayak Morning
Yesterday was another dreary, wet day at the lake and though my memory is not what it used to be, I cannot remember a month as wet as the past 30 days.  The yards are soaked, making it difficult to mulch or cut the grass and the trails are muddy even though covered with leaves.  It was too wet to do anything outside so we had a real weekend of relaxation, something we have been getting quite a bit of lately.  I did get in a paddle but the wind picked up, the lake became choppy, and I did not want to risk an accident so I came back early.  I may be getting wiser as I get older.  Maybe.  Around 10:00, Evie cleaned out the refrigerator, making sure anything that had expired was gone and I then went to the Transfer Station.  Last week, I got rid of a Game Boy which was given to us probably seven or eight years ago by our son, Tommy.  Anyways, the kid was nothing but smiles, having loved the Game Boy enough to sell it to his cousin for quite a bit of cash.  I assume he will be helping me unload my trash from now on.  When I returned, Evie was in the middle of making a pot of Indian spiced cauliflower soup from Madhur Jaffrey.  It filled the kitchen with a striking aroma of cumin and coriander and ginger.

Lunch was easy, microwave the leftover Mac N cheese and hot dog and watch some of the Ohio State football game until I got bored and went upstairs to read and nap. As I was reading, I heard voices downstairs and Ron had stopped over, bringing another pot of soup and some Halloween goodies from Linda.  So we are set with soups for lunch for the next week, the best.

Kinney's Run
We then did not do much the rest of the afternoon.  Evie had enough standing so she took over the couch and we watched the end of the Ohio State game, then I read while she watched some of her shows.  I got bored and decided to take a short walk, up Kinney's Run to the top of the hill and back, about 15 minutes and I picked a good time because the drizzle had stopped.

6:16 PM
It was 5;30 by then so we sat once again in front of the fireplace, in the two straight back chairs, and Evie had a spritzer and I made myself a Manhattan, for the first time in a while.  It was a nice way to relax before dinner, listening to Apple Music.

6:17 PM
Dinner was in the oven, warming up, the leftover Santa Fe chicken, with sweet potatoes, hominy, and green chiles.  Around 6:30, Evie cut polenta into slices, browned it and served the chicken over it.  We also had a salad of course and we watched another Real Time With Bill Maher.  He's so smart, quick with the quips, and hilarious, taking humor to the edge of good taste and sometimes beyond.  We still like him.  And just click on the highlighted text below, then the URL.  It's worth watching

An Amazing Interview With Squirrel Hill Native, Bari Weiss

We then watched a disappointing first episode of HOUSE OF CARDS.  We hope it will get better but we missed the counterpoint of Francis as just Claire, her silence and looks becomes boring.  Something needs to happen and no doubt will.

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