Monday, October 8, 2018

The Quiet Of An October Morning

Then, February 2017 And Now, Yesterday






It's 7:20 and I have yet to see any action on the lake, any noise other than seagulls on the lake.  The sun has yet to rise because of a broad cloud bank hanging over Bemus Bay.  By the time I am kayaking, it should have risen above it.  Although it's only 63º, it's sticky, surprisingly humid, most likely from all the rain we have had recently.  It's 9:00 and I just returned from another great paddle, over to the Bathhouse, back to Sandy Bottom and home.  The great blue herons, alas, seem to have migrated South to South America and only mallards and seagulls are left to enjoy the lake for now.  And the lake looks so inviting that we are going for a swim after finishing and publishing the blog...I hope.

Kaying At 8:10

Here Comes The Color

Sandy Bottom Bay
Sunday was uneventful, at least through the morning of kayaking,  working on a plethora of photographs and writing the blog.  We did not publish the blog until 10:00 as a result.  We then watched CBS Sunday morning and passed on a big breakfast.  We decided that because Sunday was the last day the Village Casino would be open, we would go over to Bemus Point, have a lunch and watch the Buffalo Bills game at the bar.  It was a good decision.  Evie thought it would be crowded but when we walked in, there were only five people in the restaurant, all of them sitting at the bar, so we joined them. 

The Good Life
Beers were half price and to our delight, we were able to get five splits (8 oz. Bud Lights) in a bucket of ice for four bucks, a deal.  The splits took us back to the 1980's when we always ordered splits.  Since we were at the Casino, we could not pass up one last order of wings and fries and they were the best we have had all summer.  Needless to say, Evie was tres happy, in her element, with beers, fries and wings.  Me, too! 

Family Paddle On Village Casino Ceiling (Halle Was Born 6 mos. Later)
Afterward, we walked around Bemus and did a bit of browsing in the shops because for many, this was the last day they were open and they were having deals.  Evie browsed while I sat outside, enjoying the afternoon and she found a couple of things she liked.  We were home around 3:00 and both of us felt loggy and tired, the result of drinking a beer in the afternoon.  I quickly commandeered the couch and watched the Bills win, then, fortunately, they also put on the end of the Browns game so I was able to watch them pull out of a victory from what looked like defeat. 

Downy Woodpeckers Are Back
We spent the rest of the afternoon lounging, lacking any mojo but Evie finally roused herself around 7:00 to put together a tomato and feta omelet, toasted some bagels and we had dinner while watching Real Time with Bill Maher.  It was good to have some laughs after a depressing weekend of politics from both the left and right.  Both have reached heights of hypocrisy and dislike, perhaps hatred.  It was good to get back to my thriller. 

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