Monday, October 15, 2018

Overcast And Rainy


 It's not a very pretty morning, no color, just the gray of a misty, wet morning.  I was up at 6:10, waiting for the morning light.  It's warmer than yesterday, 48ª, with a light southeasterly wind.  No boats, a few seagulls, and no kayaking this morning,

What a contrast between this morning and yesterday.  Sunday was cool, blue skies, puffy clouds and lots of sun.  It was day meant to be outside but we wasted it on a trip to Lakewood, to Walmart and to Wegmans because there were things we needed and wanted to get done before next week.  We did get something done in the morning besides the blog, organizing and deep cleaning the blue room and it looks perfect now, inviting, ready for company or family.  Around 11:00 then, we drove to Walmart and shopped around for various items we needed or didn't need but wanted.  It ended up being an expensive stop, as their deals are hard to pass up.  We then drove to Wegman's and I took one cart, Evie another, and I started with the end of her list, she at the start and we met in the middle, each of doing half of the list, saving time. 

We did not arrive home until 1:00, unloaded the car and put away the groceries and stuff and then Evie made three egg and tomato and cheese sandwiches on brioche buns. I then wasted much of the afternoon watching some football and listening to the Browns get destroyed by the Chargers.  I should have been outside, walking in the woods but didn't.  Evie, however, went for a long walk with our neighbor Joyce, along Woodlawn and into the campground.  I finally rose from the couch around 4:00 and put another coat of varnish on our painted rocks, getting them ready for the winter weather.  It took about a half hour and then I closed up the garage, came in and read until it was time to shower and drive over to Linda and Ron's for a great German Octoberfest dinner. 

Celebrating Octoberfest
We arrived around 6:15 and were soon enjoying glasses of Octoberfest beers.  The aroma in the kitchen was heavenly.  Linda was making sauerbraten, a beef that marinates in the refrigerator for five days before braising it.  She also made homemade spaetzle with cheese and carmelized onions. So our dinner was amazing, straight from a German beer garden in Munich.  For dessert, we had pumpkin pie in a jar with whipped cream, a fine end to a delicious meal.  We did not head home until 9:30, fat and happy after a fun evening.  And I hate to admit it, but knowing that we both have the same political beliefs makes for a more interesting and fun evening.  Sad but true. 

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