8:00 |
A Bit Of Color On A Gray Morning (a painting by our daughter, Beth) |
Well, it's an exciting morning for Dems, as Doug Jones narrowly wins the Senate seat in Alabama, over pedophile, Roy Moore. The best thing about this victory is that the pundits may stop talking about Alabama after today's victory analysis. We probably have a good foot of snow here at the lake, getting 8 to 10 inches yesterday. And it's cold, a blustery 13º, the water along the lake's shoreline turning into jelly, the phase before it freezes.
Lake Begins To Freeze |
We just snuggled in our warm living room, most of yesterday, not wanting to venture out in the snow and cold but we did, mid-morning. I had to take a urine specimen to the doctor's office and Evie wanted to get her flu shot, so we drove to Mayville around 11:00, the roads snowy, blustery but driveable. I got a thumbs up on my urine specimen, no bacterial infection, and Evie is now ready to face the flu season. We stopped at Tops on the way home, picking up some goodies, forgetting some as well, as we stocked up for the next couple of days, as more snow is predicted. It took us a good half hour to get home as we were behind a minivan which was traveling around 17 mph in a 55 mile an hour zone. I can see slowing down because of the weather but not that slow. Anyways, we did get home safely.
Junco |
By the time we got home, it was time to think about lunch. Evie wanted to make me some lentil soup but we were out of red lentils of course, Then she wanted to make a Turkish soup with winterberries but it also called for lentils. So she settled on another Turkish soup we used to make, yogurt spinach, easy and tasty. She also made me a toasted cheese on my homemade bread. She's taking good care of me. While I was eating, the front of our house was filled with mostly Canadian geese and seagulls, hundreds of them, feeding in the shallows or the seagulls out in the middle of the lake.
Feeding In The Snow |
I tried to nap, did some reading, watched the build-up to the Alabama election and waited for dinner time. Evie continued with her Xmas cards on Felt and is almost finished. She also went outside for an hour and shoveled snow, as our parking area needed to be cleared off.
Snow Shoveling Weather |
I stayed inside and watched, envious that I was not up to helping her. For a brief moment, the sun came out but quickly disappeared.
2:30 |
Around 5:00, it was wine time so we relaxed and listened to the news until 6:00 when Evie made our dinner. Fortunately, she had done some prepping so the dinner of chicken piccata with rice and salad was quick and easy. We were looking forward to the second season of A PLACE TO CALL HOME and alternated watching episodes of it with the 'breaking' news about the election in Alabama. I went upstairs to take a bath around 10:00 and when I finished around 10:45, Evie yelled up to say Doug Jones actually won, a small miracle. I came down and watched his victory speech, the happy group that surrounded him and went to bed a bit more encouraged about the electorate than usual.
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