8:05 |
I woke at 6:00, came downstairs and made the coffee, in a darkened house. Around 6:30, Shane came by and cleared our road although it didn't really need it. Later today, it probably will. As the sky lightened, I have counted 13 guys out fishing on the lake, despite the snow flurries and the 11º temperatures. We may get another seven to ten inches of snow today, with the Lake Effect warning ending tomorrow morning. It's now 8:00 and I just stepped outside to take another photograph and the fishermen are no longer visible because of the snow.
A Wayward Fox |
Galloping Fox and New House on Lakeside Drive |
Yesterday was another very cold day, not exactly the kind of weather that made you want to get outside and enjoy the winter morning or afternoon. Rather, it made me want to stay inside, make some tea, and read a book. Instead, I started up the car with my remote (yep, we have a remote), jumped in my now warming up car and drove off to Lakewood for a two-hour restorative yoga class. As class started, I wondered if perhaps I had not read the fine print that class was for women only. I was the only guy in a class of twenty-two women. Restorative is not a vigorous class, in fact, its the kind of class that emphasizes spending ten or 15 minutes resting on a few cushions, comfortable and centered, paying attention to one's breathing. It supposedly undoes the stress of the holidays. Well, I felt little stress going in (my major worry is what to have for lunch) and even less as I left.
After class, I stopped at Sav A Lot, hoping to pick up some red lentils which seem to be unavailable at Wegman's or Tops. Add Sav A Lot to that list. I don't know what's going on as only green are in the stores. I did pick up a few things for Evie, stopped at Hogan's to top off my gas, something I always try to do in weather this cold.
Fishing Yesterday Afternoon |
When I got home, there was no worry about lunch as Evie had defrosted her vegetable soup and made me a croque monsieur (a fancy name for a ham and cheese toasted sandwich) for lunch. Yum Yum.
I still have not found a noontime series to watch so I watched half of a documentary on the essayist and novelist Joan Didion. The rest of the afternoon went, as usual, napping, reading, watching some TV, wondering if I should go out for a hike...I didn't.
Heading Home |
We were at sixes and sevens as to what to do in the evening. We had hoped to go to the Viking Club for dinner and dancing but the warning about five to eight inches of snow scared us off. We did not want to drive home in the snow after a couple of beers. And, of course, the snow never really materialized, at least here at Woodlawn and we could have gone. So around 4:30, Evie got out some chicken thighs and marinated them in yogurt, garlic and lemon for an hour. Around 5:30, she made a salad, and cleaned some Brussel sprouts, made some rice, then put the chicken in the oven. We then relaxed with a glass of wine (I broke with tradition and had a bloody mary, with Clamato and horseradish) for a good hour, enjoying the evening.
Dinner was tasty, as we love this chicken recipe and I love Brussel sprouts. We watched a movie on Amazon called LANDLINE which, after a rocky start, ended up being decent, worth watching but not with the grandkids. We ended the night watching two episodes of the third season of BROADCHURCH. And we could mostly understand the heavy English accent for once. We ended the night watching 15 minutes of the Ohio State game before going up to bed.
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