Saturday, September 9, 2017

Fog And Sunshine Fill The Lake

Just A Heron In The Rain (photo by Evie)




It's 7:30 and difficult to look out the windows because of the brightness of the sun.  It's a chilly 46º out and should warm up to the 60's later in the day, a harbinger of fall.  The slow rising and moving fog obscures the bass boats, as a tournament begins.  I can't wait to get out and kayak this morning. Well, I am back, after an hour paddle over to the Long Point Marina, across to Wells Bay and home. I scared a couple of herons off, one just 20 feet away.  Neither one of us noticed the other until I pulled out my camera and motion scared him away.

Kayak Morning

Woodlawn At 8:15 AM
Yesterday began with kayaking in the rain; no problem this morning.  I felt tough, braving the rain, kept dry by my LL Bean raincoat and hat.  Now all I need are a pair of rain pants and nothing will stop me in the morning.  When I got home, we finished up the blog, as Evie had a hard time choosing the right photo of a blue heron because we had so many.  I assume the same one comes each morning to fish in our neighbor's shallow front yard.  After we were done with the blog, I decided to make some black bean soup with sun dried tomatoes.  Rather than using canned beans, I got out the pressure cooker and 25 minutes later, I had a pot of black beans, ready for the soup.  While they cooked, I sauteed onions, tomatoes, cumin, red pepper for a half hour, then dumped in the beans and the sun dried tomatoes, got out the hand blender, blended half the soup and I had a tasty pot of black bean soup.

Neither of us could decide what to do with the day as every time we started to think about doing something like a walk or working the garden it would rain.  So by 12:30, I was ready for lunch, the soup, and a bagel, then some TV and a nap.  I am really enjoying Don Winslow's THE FORCE, following a 'dirty' cop, divorced, a drinker, but effective, in New York City.  Around 3:00, it looked like it was clearing up so we decided to drive to Mayville, pick up some groceries at Tops grocery, then take a walk around the Chautauqua Institution.  We got about a quarter of the way into the CI before it started to rain, so we quickly hustled back to the car, happy that we did not have to walk the full loop.  Neither of us was into it much.

6:37 PM
When we got home, neither of us wanted to fuss with dinner.  We had more mousaka, but decided we had enough of it so Evie froze it.  Hot dogs and black bean soup sounded good, so Evie got out some hot dogs and we then settled down for a lengthy wine time, with some good cheese, crackers and for a treat, some Trader Joe's cashews.  It was a fine night, as the rain had finally stopped, the clouds disappeared and the sun came out as we sipped our wine.

Around 7:30, Evie grilled the hot dogs, made a salad, heated the soup and we had dinner, the dogs with Stadium Mustard, of course, but I finished it off so I am need of another bottle.  And finally, the pundits on the news channels had something other than Trump to talk about, Hurricane Irma.  They repeated the same thing every 15 minutes or so it seemed, whether CNN or MSNBC.  We soon gravitated to other channels, but could not find anything watching, so we turned to our old standby, Stephen Colbert for an hour.  His guest was Bernie Sanders who said the same thing he's been saying for a year and a half. I am getting tired of politics, of politicians.  The world is troubling enough (hurricanes, wild fires and earthquakes) with out these guys mucking it up.

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