Monday, May 15, 2017

Sunny And Cool On The Lake

I was up just before 6:00, to an empty sky, just blue and cloudless.  I sat waiting for the sun to rise for about five minutes until it began to peek over the horizon at 6:08, then rise filling the sky and lake with its blinding light.  Hallelujah.  It's a chilly 41º degrees, the high today will be in the upper 50's.

Yesterday was the proverbial day of rest for the both of us.  We hardly left the house until later in the day.  We had a long, leisurely Sunday morning coffee, listening early to the 'low information voters' opine on C-Span, then  NPR and later, some of the TV news programs.  I did try to enjoy my breakfast on the dock but the winds drove me back in.  And they continued most of the day, knocking small branches off of the trees, roughing up the lake for boaters.  Around noon, I did master enough energy to drive to Mayville, to pick up some of the Lighthouse's country sausage which we like. Then, I stopped at the Smith Library to return a book and DVD and pick up a book I had on reserve.

When I got home, Evie was ready to fire up the stove and cook the sausages, fry the eggs, and toast our homemade bread.  We sat down to what we thought would be a great breakfast but the sausage was almost inedible, as they overdid the seasoning.  So we set the patties aside and ate our eggs and toast and watched CBS Sunday Morning.

The rest of the day we spent relaxing, either watching the political programs on TV, listening to others on Sonos, or reading or playing Words With Friends.  About 2:00, I went out and washed my Subaru for the second time this weekend, as the tree had dumped lots of its detritus on to the roof and hood. At 3:30, I moved into the TV room and watched San Antonio blow a 25 point lead and lose to Golden State in the last minute.

Sunday Dinner With Linda And Ron
We both took showers late afternoon and drove over for Sunday dinner at Linda and Ron's near Lighthouse Point.  We got the Sunday tour of their rapidly developing house and it's really becoming a home with walls painted, floors in, siding up, and piles of dirt leveled, ready for seeding.  Dinner was a chicken provencal over polenta, tasty and nourishing on a chilly evening on the lake.  We ended up sitting at the dinner table talking until after 10:00 before driving home.  We watched a little TV to wind down before going up to bed.

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