6:20 |
A partly cloudy morning, the sky constantly changing and I have been up since 5:30 after a rocky night. I took a brief nap around 7:00 after an afternoon at the Viking Club and that made it difficult for me to fall asleep. I would turn on the light, read, turn off the light and hope for the best. I finally fell asleep around 12:30 or 1:00. It looks like we might and I emphasize might get some rain today. The weather gods have been saying this all weekend and for the most part, we have received less than a quarter of an inch over the Memorial Day Weekend.
Monday, Memorial Day, felt like a Sunday. We missed the parade in Bemus Point, alas, preferring to hang out at home and enjoy the sunny day. We treated it as a Sunday, a day of 'large leisure.' While Evie basked for a good part of the day on the dock, I found some mojo and packed my bike in the Pilot and drove over to Bemus. I took my usual ride, from the bridge to Bemus, down Lakeside Drive to Long Point Park, then through the park to Long Point's tip, then home. It's about an hour ride and it felt good to be back on my bike. When I got home, I joined Evie for an hour on the dock, reading and to my surprise, getting some sunburn.
Evie went in around 2:30, to shower and get ready for dinner at the Viking Club. When we got there, the parking lot was almost full as at least 400 members took advantage of the barbecue chicken dinner. For ten bucks, we got a half of chicken, macaroni salad, potato salad, cole slaw, beans, roll, and dessert.
Selfie At Viking Club |
Fortunately, we found a seat at the bar next to our friends from Bemus Point, Barb and Dana. They had boated down to the Club, braving what seemed to us a choppy lake. We spent most of the afternoon talking with them. Before they took off, we got a selfie with another couple we have gotten to know on Wednesday evenings, Teresa and Greg, who live just down the lake from us in Magnolia. We, then, got our chicken dinners, another beer of course and stopped and talked with Doug and Dawn after we finished eating. Doug had been behind the counter serving chicken since 1:00 so he was exhausted, more than happy to finally sit down and enjoy his dinner.
6:57 |
We got home about 6:00 and both of us were foggy from having a couple of beers. It's never a good idea to drink in the afternoon but what the heck, it was a holiday. So I read some, fell asleep for a half hour before joining Evie in the TV room for the rest of the night.
Photo By Our Neighbor, Joe |
7:38 |
Around 7:45, we received a phone call from our neighbor Ken telling us there was a magnificent rainbow across the lake. We ran out, but missed the complete rainbow, then returned to the TV room to watch a mediocre Leonard Di Caprio movie, BODY OF LIES, based on a David Ignatius book which I read a couple of years ago. Since I put together a sourdough starter on Saturday, I have to feed it every 12 hours, so at 10:00 before going to bed, I pulled the starter out of the hot room, threw half of it away, added another cup of flour, a half cup of water, stirred it and put it back in the hot room to rise. I will do the same thing for the next day and a half and by then, I should have my starter.
I am not too excited about my morning because I am getting a root canal at 9:30 in Jamestown, the prequel to getting a new crown. I should have been a dentist.
Finally, I am including a picture and article about our Grandson Tyler's 'very good friend, ' Helen. She spent a couple of days with us at the lake two years ago and impressed us with her dedication, running 9-10 miles every day she was here. We thought she was a 'wonder woman.' Obviously, she is!
Helen, Running For Dartmouth College |
When the bell rang for the final lap of the first of two quarterfinals of the women’s 1,500-meter run at the NCAA East Preliminaries, Dartmouth senior Helen Schlachtenhaufen was sitting in fifth place, the last automatic qualifying position. Little did the rest of the field know what she had left.
From there she covered the final lap in 64.25 seconds, leaving everyone else in her wake, as she clocked the fastest time by an Ivy Leaguer (4:11.15) in the event in 27 years. The only woman to ever run faster was Cornell’s Stephanie Best, who ran 4:09.85 to take third at the 1990 NCAAs.
Not only did Schlachtenhaufen’s time hold up as the fastest time in the East, it was also far better than anyone ran in the West as well. Helen will be in Eugene, Oregon for most of Dartmouth's graduation weekend competing in the NCAA finals.