Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Dusting Of Snow Overnight


Up at 5:45, looked outside and our green lawn from yesterday is once again white, as an inch or two fell overnight.  It's 30º out and we may have some flurries during the morning.  Listening to the news is  far from comforting, as the chaos of the past four weeks never seems to let up.  Is there anything else happening in the world other than the chaos and post truth/fake news and dissembling/lying/prevaricating of the Trump White House Gang?  George Will, Republican and Conservative columnist, best described it as 'immunity through profusion.'  He explains: " By keeping the molten lava of falsehoods flowing, the volcano that is Donald Trump can inundate the public and overwhelm his auditors' capacity to produce a comparable flow of corrections."  Typical Will syntax, but I couldn't have said it better!

Yesterday was not the most fun day as we were both up early because I had to be at the hospital at 6:30 for an endoscopy, one of those fun things of life in the 70's.  I was out and on my way home by 8:00, a bit woozy but fine.  Everything went well, my tubes seem to be in order.  When we got home, Evie made me buttermilk pancakes which tasted amazingly good.  I then rested on the couch and fell asleep for at least an hour, whooped from the morning and the drugs I suppose.

Evie wanted to go to the Y, so just as I was having lunch, she drove off to Lakewood to do some shopping as well as workout.  I watched some TV, the end of the Kansas/West Virginia basketball game from the previous night and took a brief nap.  I then spent much of the afternoon at sixes and sevens, not wanting to watch TV or read, just bored with the afternoon.  I wanted to get outside but I was supposed to take it easy for the day.  Evie finally got home around 4:00, her car loaded down with groceries from Wegman's.  Helping her empty the car and put away groceries gave me something to do.  I also cleaned up the kitchen to keep busy.

5:38 PM
We then relaxed with a glass of wine around 5:30, which was enjoyable, as the sun came out occasionally, lighting up the eastern shoreline and lake.  Evie has to use some creativity for dinner. She took the innards, the spinach and mushrooms, from our deep dish pizza, warmed it up and then put eggs on top and baked it in the oven.  She also fried up a leftover baked potato, made a salad and we had a dinner.  We watched the last two episodes of BROADCHURCH.  We continued to have trouble understanding the accents but we ended up liking the series.  And I liked the ending, the banishment rather than a killing, like the Greeks who looked upon banishment as the severest of punishments for an individual.  We then watched the latest episode of HOMELAND.  I am sure like most viewers, the ending of this particular episode was a shock.  Evie fell asleep and missed the ending before going up to bed.  I followed soon after.

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