Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Rafts Of Buffleheads

A Common Female Merganser
Long Point
It's 8:52 and I am sitting here, warming up after a chilly hour paddle, down to Bootey Bay and back, chasing buffleheads as I paddled.  Evie's up as well, waiting for the Michael Smerconish radio program to start at 9:00.  It's an overcast morning, lots of gray with a stillness, making the reflections of the shoreline on the lake striking.

Kayak Morning
Lonely Loon Preening
Yesterday began with a paddle, in a drizzle but fun nevertheless.  We then had breakfast and finished up the blog before getting busy in the kitchen,  Unfortunately, as I was washing up my breakfast dishes, my one lens fell out of my glasses and when we tried to put it back in, we lost the screw. Rats.  We called our eyecare place but they were closed.  I then had the bright idea to call Walmart and thankfully, they were still open.  So we made up a shopping list for the week, intending to go to Walmart, to get my glasses fixed, then to Wegman's. When we arrived at Walmart, the optometrist easily fixed my glasses and Evie found just about everything we needed so we did not have to go to Wegmans.  Walmart was quiet, just a few shoppers, so we really did not need to interact with anyone which was nice.  And we were thinking spring and went to the garden section and bought at least 25 dahlias to plant in Evie's garden when it warms up.

Lunch was the lentil soup Evie had made on Monday and a bagel and I watched my series, Blood on Amazon Prime.  While I was eating, Evie was prepping our dinner, the St. Patrick's Day dinner a couple weeks late, corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots.  It was in the oven by 2:00, ready by 5:00 or so. I then read some after my lunch, took a brief nap, and was up by 2:45, wondering if I should do something, like walk or yoga.  My answer was easy, NO.  I read then joined Evie in the TV room and we watched a couple of episodes of Home Town to waste the afternoon.

Dinner was ready at 6:30, and after a brief wine time, we were settled in the TV room, with a great corned beef dinner, ready for the Trump Reality Show, always amusing.  We both loved our dinner and I went back not only for seconds but thirds.  We decided to take a respite from The Americans for a night and take my nephew Pat's recommendation and start a mini-series on Netflix called Unorthodox.  Based on a true story, it follows a young Hasidic Jewish woman, as she struggles with the restrictions of her religion and finally breaks away.  We watched the first three episodes, saving the last episode for tonight.  We recommend it highly, a good story and interesting in its depiction of Hasidic life, especially a traditional wedding. 

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