Friday, March 13, 2020

Cloudy, Warm, And Wet

A March Paddle
It's 7:45 and we are both up, watching a pair of Canadian geese float by as the lake is mostly open, except for an occasional iceberg floating by.  Except for a leafless tree, the sky could be straight out of April or May as well as the gusts of wind. 

Yesterday ended up being a pretty good day as midafternoon the sun appeared, turning the lake blue or white depending on the ice floes.  I started the day with breakfast with the guys in Bemus, the diner quieter than usual.  After breakfast, I drove off to Lakewood to a good yoga class although it was a smaller class than usual.  I was home by noon because I had a doctor's appointment in Erie at 1:45.  I had a quick lunch and thought about sending off an alert on how to deal with the coronavirus supposedly from Stanford.  It had some bizarre suggestions, like drinking water every 15 minutes, washing the virus down to the stomach.  Fortunately, we found out it was a hoax before I sent it off to friends and family.

I drove to Erie, waited for a half-hour to see the doctor, who told me I was healthier than most of his patients ten years younger.  So I was in and out but stopped at Orton's Market in Northeast, where I had ordered a cherry pie.  When I got there, it was still warm from the oven.  I also picked up a half-gallon of Pot Of Gold milk, as the dairy is back in business as well as chocolate milk for Evie called a potbelly.  I was home by 3:00, ready to read and perhaps take a nap.

Sun And A Partially Frozen Lake
Paddling Around Ice Floes
The sun came out, however, and the shoreline of the lake opened up.  So I put on my boots, went to the garage and grabbed my paddle and went kayaking for a good forty-five minutes, hugging the shoreline because of the ice floes but I made my way although way down to Wells Bay and back.  I said aloha to my neighbor Rollie, who was about ready to step in his new hot tub.  It was sunny and warm as I paddled, scaring off a number of mallards who were hugging the shore.

Woodlawn Blue

Hugging The Ice

A Narrow Channel Through The Ice
Paddling Between Ice Floes
Because we had the leftover cabbage, bean and sausage stew for dinner, we were able to have a nice, long wine time, the sun slowly setting behind us, the lake began to darken.  Around 6:30, then, Evie made a salad and we had another tasty dinner, a soupy stew, perfect for dipping the sourdough bread.  We watched a couple of Colberts, some of the news, then a few more episodes of The Americans before it was time to go upstairs and read before sleep.

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