Friday, March 20, 2020

Overcast, Wet, Warm, and UnHealthy

It's 7:23, just beginning to get light, with rain occasionally falling on the roof.  I thought at first I might kayak but then the wind picked up, the rain came, and I lost my interest.

Yesterday was a trifecta for me, as I try to keep busy.  The day began with a misty morning, but I got out my paddle anyways and kayaked down to Whitney Bay and back, catching some good photos of a raft of buffleheads.  We then finished up the blog, adding a few photographs from my paddle. We then relaxed, listened to Michael Smerconish on Sirius Radio.  Evie usually has him on for three hours each morning.  He's good, worth listening to and as fair as any radio host can be. Around 11:00, I got out my yoga mat and did my asanas for forty-five minutes including lots of prana or breathing exercises, good for your respiratory health. 

Around noon, I fixed my lunch, heating up the last of the dal and toasting a bagel, adding cream cheese and tomatoes.  I was looking forward to the last episode of Narcos, rooting for Felix but knowing he was going down as head of the cartel.  It's pretty bad when you end up rooting for the murderous drug boss.  While I was lunching, Evie was on the phone talking with or daughter Beth.  Their family of five is in quarantine in Dallas, both Mitch and Marisa home from school, Rami working at home, Beth as well. It's sad because it's Mitch's final semester of college at UT in Austin.

Nestor Plaza, Smith Library
Mid-afternoon after a nap and some reading, we decided to go for a walk to our go-to place lately, the Chautauqua Institution.  We don't go far, maybe a mile or a half-hour walk, just enough to say we did something outside.  When we returned home, I did a bit more raking of twigs, just to get some more exercise.

Chautauqua Bridge Over Creek
We enjoyed a glass of wine until the Trump Comedy Hour And Rally came on all channels, as he dominated the screen with misinformation, lies, self-congratulation, ending always, with self-pity.  What a disgusting individual.  And yet, 55% of Americans approve of his performance,  Maybe we are watching the wrong channel.  Sports fans, most of us can't get tests (unless you are an NBA player) and there is a shortage of masks and swabs despite what the White House sycophants say. After all, this "wartime President" is not the "shipping clerk-in-chief! "

We had the leftover Santa Fe chicken for dinner with a salad and watched three more episodes of The Americans, ending the night with Off The Grid, as they built a container home in Spearfish, South Dakota, near the Black Hills.

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