Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sunny After Early Morning Gray

It's just about 9:00 and I have been up since 6:45, watching the grayness of early morning change to light, filling the lake's surface and our living room.  It's a chilly 27º and windy so I will not be kayaking this morning.  I have been listening to NPR and the virus is getting closer to Chautauqua County as the city of Buffalo, seven five miles away, announced they have found three cases which means there are many more.  Schools have yet to close around here but I assume they will soon.  The reality of self-quarantine is becoming real.

Yesterday began with a good paddle down the lake, some sightings of wildlife, making my morning.  We were in no hurry to do the blog so we did not publish it until after 10:00, late for us.  We were not sure what to do with our day but we finally decided on gathering the trash, taking it to the Transfer Station, then driving off to Tops in Jamestown which has lots of Goya products, in fact, an area just for the Puerto Ricans, a large population in Jamestown.  I wanted red lentils and was able to get the last three one-pound packages of them, so I was happy.  Now we can make lots of my favorite Turkish lentil soup and a spicy lentil dal from Brtish chef Nigella Lawson.  We also could not pass up a few other things like couscous and strawberries, enough goodies for a seven five-dollar bill.  Heck, all I wanted was lentils!

We stopped at Arby's on the way home because they had a special on their fish sandwiches, two for six bucks and that was my lunch when we returned home, along with a bowl of Evie's chicken soup.  I watched Narcos Mexico and missed not being able to watch some college basketball.  I better get used to the lack of any sports on TV or coverage on ESPN or newspapers.  I wonder if they will lay off the sports staff.

We did not do much the rest of the afternoon, no cooking, baking, just wasting the afternoon either reading, napping or watching TV.  I had no desire to go for a walk because it was windy and cold out.  We both were hankering for a pizza so I drove over to Bemus to Coppollo's to pick up our usual, a large double pepperoni with extra sauce.  I noticed the two restaurants/bars were busy which was a good or bad sign, not sure which. 

Around 6:00 we had our usual Saturday night libation, a Manhattan or two, never more, with great cheese and crackers.  We listened briefly to the 'always breaking news' on CNN and quickly turned to the Billie Elish channel, which plays music similar to her. It was pretty good, a change from what we usually listen to during the day.  Around 7:00, we were ready for pizza and a salad and both were great, the pizza saucy, the salad with a nice vinegary bite.  We watched Real Time With Bill Maher.  Like most talk shows, it had no audience, just the staff, sitting in the auditorium, to create some laughter.  We finished the night with The Americans as Elizabeth kills a Pakistani diplomat in a swimming pool.  She's quite adept at killing people, seemingly with no conscience because 'the ends justify the means.'  This quotation from Marx is partially responsible for the deaths of sixty to seven million  Russian and Chinese people, as Stalin and Mao attempted to create a Marxist society by liquidating those who disagreed with them.

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