Thursday, March 19, 2020

A Foggy, Misty Morning

It's 7:40 and I have been up for an hour, listening to the news about the coronavirus, the maddening lack of tests available despite the White House assurances that they are available.  It makes one ask who is in charge, Peter Sellers from Being There?  It's warming up here, rained quite a bit overnight and the lake is like glass, the sky still gray with fog. It's now 9:30 and I have been out kayaking for 50 minutes, paddling north to Whitney Bay and back.  I was lucky to get closer than usual to a raft of buffleheads and get some good photographs.

Kayak Morning 
A Pair Of Buffleheads
A Beauty Glides By
Male And Female Buffleheads
Yesterday we stayed home (most of the day) like good citizens although it's hard and will only get harder.  I did start the day with a great paddle, a kind of self quarantining with the lake, as I am sure no one else was out there in the morning.  I did say aloha to my neighbor who was in the front yard, letting their dog out for a run.  It's a good way to start the day, perking up my mood as just being on the lake is an antidepressant.  We then finished up the blog, and I cleaned up the kitchen while Evie talked with my sister Ellen who lives in Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C.  Although they are much closer to New York City then us, their restaurants are still open.

Around 11:30, I wanted to go for a walk, so Evie and I drove over to the Chautauqua Institution for a short walk.  It's a good place, as we rarely if ever see anyone on the streets other than construction workers.  It really is different around here from a city because we can be outside much of the time, on trails, woods, even our neighborhood and not endanger ourselves or other people.

We were home by 12:30 and I had more of my dal and Evie made me a tasty quesadilla with tomatoes, cheese, and pepperoncini.  I watched the penultimate episode of Narco which means it's time to start looking for another series for my matinees. We then spent our afternoon as usual, doing little other than reading, watching some of the news, or napping.  Dinner was made on Tuesday, Sante Fe chicken so Evie did not have to worry about dinner.

Around 4:30, we walked down the street because a huge black walnut was being taken down by a huge crane with a bucket.  They were really professional and it was a difficult job.  I made the mistake of asking Evie if she too wanted to watch, a big mistake.  We ended up spending three hundred bucks as she talked them into coming down to our yard and trimming a sugar maple in our front yard.  At least we now have a much better view of the lake. 

We had our wine watching them take a large branch down, so after they were done, it was time to warm up the Santa Fe Chicken and make a salad for dinner.  We ate watching the snippets of the latest Trump Coronavirus Rally, always entertaining if not informative.  We miss Colbert but still have many episodes of The Americans to go so we are not short of series to watch.

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