Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Dawn Awakens To A Partly Cloudy Sky

I was up at 6:00, made the coffee, and started listening to Morning Joe but soon became tired of the discussion of last night's debate and put on a Bill Simmons podcast. Neither has grabbed me but at least Simmons avoids politics.  It's 8:50 and I just returned from an hour on the lake, down to the Power Boat Club and back.  And I was able to photograph a couple of muskrats, floating in the water but looking like logs as well as a raft of ducks.

Kayak Morning

Blue Skies Reflected On Water
Tuesday began with a lovely morning sunrise, a shocking contrast to the previous week of Chautauqua gray.  I kayaked as far south as I could until the ice forced me to turn around and stay along the shoreline.  I left for yoga at 9:00, as usual, had a good class with Julie, thought about stopping for coffee but stopped at my mechanic's instead and made an appointment for an oil change for my Honda at 3:30.

A Floating  Muskrat

Mallards Still Hanging At The Lake
When I returned, Evie had been busy of course and made one of my favorite soups, an Indian flavored cauliflower soup.  And because she had some leftover spinach, she sauteed it then dropped a couple of eggs in the spinach for a great lunch.  With a  bowl of the soup as well, I was more than happy to sit down and watch my show, as I am about to finish Season Four of Peaky Blinders, with one more season to go.  When I finished, Evie left for the Y and shop at Wegman's on 5% Tuesday, with all the other frugal shoppers.  I am almost finished with my Mark Herron novel, a slog recently, and I fell asleep while reading.  At 3:00, Evie returned and I helped unload the groceries before driving to Johnson's for an oil change.  If only!  From an oil change, I ended up spending 300 bucks on two new tires, sorely needed, and other sundry fixes.  It took a good hour and a half and most of the time, I ended up listening to either Ray senior or Junior talk about their lives.  We have become good buddies after all the money I have spent on my Honda over the past ten years.  They are good guys but I never seem to get out of their shop without a bill much larger than expected.

Fortunately, Evie had a nicely chilled bottle of wine ready for us when I came home and we relaxed in the living room, laughing at all our expenses recently, how our money just seems to stream out of our wallets via a credit card. Dinner was warming in the oven, Sunday's leftover pot roast, so all Evie had to do was roast some Brussel sprouts and make a salad. We watched a Colbert and On The Grid show, as they built a cabin in the Colorado mountains, bringing much of the building supplies in by mule.  We then watched a disappointing Jeopardy because Ken Jennings won easily, which meant that the championship would not continue.  It was nice to see the three guys seem to like, even enjoy each other.  We ended the night with the debate but had enough when they started talking about whether Bernie said a woman could not win the election.  Most of what we watched seemed like a rerun of the previous debates.  Boring.

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