Sunday, January 5, 2020

An Early Morning

Celebrating The Beginning Of A New Decade


It's almost 7:00 as I begin this and I have been up since 5:00 unfortunately.  Light is just beginning to appear above Tom's Point, enough so that I can see the snow-covered lawn.  It's 29º and should stay in the '30s the rest of the day. 

Yesterday was a strange day for both of us, mostly because we lacked mojo, any desire to get things done either around the house or outside.  Admittedly, it was not a very nice day weather-wise, cold and wet.  The one thing we had to do because it was Saturday was to gather the trash and send me off to the Transfer Station.  So by 11:00, that task was done and we could get down to doing nothing the rest of the morning and afternoon.  It felt good.

Kinney's Run
Lunch was a toasted ham and cheese sandwich, ham and bean soup and I watched my show, finishing the second season of Peaky Blinders.  I finally settled on a book, another thriller after rejecting two from the NYTimes best books of the year.  I guess I prefer entertainments to the serious stuff, having gotten enough of it during my forty-five years of teaching. 

Leaves And Trees
By 3:00, however, I had napped and strangely, felt like I should actually do something.  So, despite the light rain and gray skies, I went for a walk in the woods and I admit it felt good to be outdoors.  I took my time, shot some photos of the woods, the trail brown with wet leaves and mud, the snowmelt filling the noisy creeks.  When I returned home, I showered and got dressed up (khakis not jeans) because we were going out with our friends, Linda and Ron for dinner.  I was done by 4:30 so I could watch the first half of the Bills game before we went out for dinner.  And by the time we left at 6:15,  things looked good for the Bills. 

Victoria Creek
Ron drove to downtown Jamestown in wet snow, to the Landmark, one of the nicest restaurants around.  We usually go there on New Year's Eve but since we were at a wedding this year, we decided to go Saturday night. We usually eat in the dining room but decided this year to try the bar area which was a good choice.  We could sit, enjoy our wine and calamari appetizer, and listen to the Bills fans at the bar cheer but mostly moan as the Bills lost in overtime.  The Landmark's menu is extensive so it took us a while to decide on what to order.  Ron and I ordered pot roast and tenderloin, Evie and Linda more healthy options, seafood and grains, but all were good.  We even ordered a second bottle of wine, to celebrate the beginning of 2020, thinking what the heck.  Let's be crazy...two bottles of wine.  The snow had stopped by the time we drove home.  We were in our jammies or sweats by 10:00, ready to watch some TV then go to bed.  It was a fun night out. 


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