Monday, January 6, 2020

A Gun Metal Gray Lake


It's 7:50 and I have been up since 6:30, listening to a couple of podcasts, one on the Golden Globes, the other Bill Simmons on the NFL playoffs.  The lake is more threatening, darker than usual, the sky Chautauqua gray.  We have a couple of inches of crunchy snow and it's 33º.

Yesterday was a whirlwind day for Evie, one of leisure and relaxing for me.  I was up way too early, waiting for a couple of hours for Evie to wake.  She was finally up by 8:00 and we finished the blog and I had my breakfast, yogurt, blueberries, and homemade granola.  We were having a roasted chicken for our dinner so we were both excited.  Evie started prepping it early, salting and pricking the skin, then letting it dry in the fridge. 

Thunder Bridge
We both wanted to get outside even if it was not much of a winter morning.  So we drove to the Chautauqua Institution, thinking it would be a good place for a walk and not icy.  We were happy to walk on a couple inches of snow, past Bestor Plaza and back, a good choice as long as we were hidden from the wind by homes.  We were the only ones out, probably because of the wind and occasional sleet. 

Bestor Plaza And Smith Library
We were home by 12:30 and Evie got cooking, browning both some leftover ham and potatoes and frying up a couple of eggs for breakfast.  We watched CBS Sunday Morning until it was time for football.  I was excited to watch the playoffs but both games on Sunday were ultimately boring low scoring games.  After a quarter of two,  I went for a nap, leaving Evie in the kitchen.  When I got up, I was surprised by a  galaktoboureko with apples put together by Evie while I napped.  It's phyllo dough with a custard filling but Evie also added apple slices.  Yum.

The rest of the afternoon I spent either reading or watching a few minutes of football before returning to my book. We hardly had time to sit down with a glass of wine before the chicken, veggies and gravy were done.  We were looking forward to this meal and were not disappointed, the chicken juicy and tender, the vegetables, roasted under the chicken,  the best.  And we ended our dinner with a couple of helpings of the galaktoboureko for dessert.  We watched three episodes of an animated series our daughter Beth recommended on Amazon Prime called Undone.  It explores the "mind-bending, elastic nature of reality."  We liked it enough to stick with it.  We then finished the night with the Golden Globes, always entertaining.  We have seen many of the winning movies or series like Fleabag, and Chernobyl.  And now we want to see other winners like 1917, Parasite, and The Farewell.

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