Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Long Days Of Summer Wane


 It surprises me how long it stays dark on these fall mornings, how quickly it gets dark at night.  The sun rises and sets now at about the same time, a few minutes after 7:00, as the days get shorter.  I am writing this in pitch dark at 6:30 on a chilly, 50º morning.  It's 6:50 and I finish writing this.  It's light enough to see Long Point, still too dark to kayak.  I still hope to get it in before I drive over to Bemus for breakfasts at 8:00.

Kayak Morning
Yesterday was another rainy morning but it started to clear up some in the afternoon, as we glimpsed some sunshine before it set.  I had a good paddle, in the rain, and was home in time to head off to yoga at 9:30.  There were only three of us in class which we all loved.  Lots of room, a personal yoga teacher, a good class.  Afterward, I stopped for a coffee and picked up some eggs but that was it and I drove straight home, no bank, no dentist, no shopping, no ticket, a good morning.

When I returned home, Evie was watching the breaking news, more stories of Kavanaugh's high school and college activities.  We could almost see the commentators drooling as they brought forth one accusation after another.  Last week it was the drama of Florence, this week of Kavanaugh. What will next week bring?  Evie gave me a choice for lunch sandwiches, toasted cheese, salami or BLT.  How can I pass up bacon, so she made me two great sandwiches and I watched another episode of Luther?  I then read and napped and woke to more breaking news, the never-ending, continuous 24 hour brouhaha.

Since we were going out to the Viking Club for dinner, meeting Linda and Ron, our first evening out in quite a while, Evie did not need to worry about dinner.  She did, however, cook up the apples we bought on Monday from Tops and made some applesauce.  I did some work in the garage and attic, started taking the air conditioners out of the windows and putting them in the attic.

Before leaving for the Viking, we were entertained by the Trump Show, comedy and tragedy in a half hour.  He's your crazy uncle, rambling on, making no sense, never answering a question, but thinking he's the smartest and funniest man in the world.  It would be funny if he weren't our president.  We left for the Viking at 6:15, found a table where Evie could stand if need be, ordered beers just as Linda and Ron walked in.  It was a slow night at the Viking but it's also autumn so many of the RVers have already headed to Florida to avoid the beautiful fall weather.  I ordered wings, haven't had them in a month and the others had various sandwiches.  We also shared an order of onion rings.  We talked about the usual, the crazies running our country and what we hope to do this fall.  Three of us love this time of the year, even look forward to the coming of winter,

We left around 8:00, having enjoyed another good evening at our club.  We were home in time to watch some Colbert and watched the news, switching back in forth between the rationals, CNN and MSNBC, and the Trump channel, Fox News.  It was good to go upstairs to read my new book, MR. PENUMBRA'S 24 HOUR BOOKSTORE by Robin Sloan.  I have also read his most recent book, SOURDOUGH which I enjoyed.

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