Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Lighting, Thunder, And Rain

So, I woke at 6:00 to all three of the above, a thundering sky, lighting and constant rain.  It's warm enough to leave the porch door open so I can listen to the rhythm of the falling rain.  It's 7:00 as I start my blog and it's just starting to get light, as Long Point is a barely recognizable shape.  It's a comfortable 68º and we should get rain on and off all day.  I just returned from a paddle, starting out on a calm, windless morning, no rain, but paddled home in the rain.  I did get a close up of a blue heron who did not notice me floating up to the dock until I was 15 feet away.

Kayak Morning
Paddling Home
Yesterday began with a light morning rain, a paddle to Long Point and back in the rain.  The rest of the morning the rain let up so I could get out in the yard and clean up the deadfall and take it up to the woodpile.  I skipped yoga so it was nice to have a morning of leisure, doing what I wanted, reading and working on the blog.  Evie started prepping dinner, Greek lemon chicken and made up a shopping list for me.

Great Blue Heron
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Lunch was a bowl of ramen with an egg dropped on top of the boiling noodles left to sit for a minute.  I watched some TV then left for a dentist appointment at 1:30 in Jamestown.  When I arrived, I had to park on the street and put my fifty cents in the parking meter for an hour.  Of course, the teeth cleaning took longer than I expected and I wondered what would happen if the parking meter expired and I was a couple of minutes late.  What were the odds I would get a ticket?  As I was talking with the receptionist about my next appointment, I looked outside to see if there was a problem.  And to my dismay, the meter maid was giving me a ticket, three minutes after my time expired.  I ran out to tell her I was coming out but she ignored me, left the ticket on my windshield wiper. My intuition,  of bad luck, was confirmed.  At least my teeth were clean.

Mr. and Mrs. Wood Duck
I then drove to Wegman's to do a big shopping but at first could not get on their app. so I could see the shopping list Evie had made.  So I went to the office and the customer service person showed me how to go to settings and click on Wegman's.  I have never had to do this before so it was news to me. As usual, I had trouble finding some of the items Evie had on the list and when I got home, I handed her the receipt, since I never, ever come home without a wrong item. This time I bought gallon storage bags but not for the freezer, SOS pads but not minis as Evie indicated on the app. Mea culpa, again.  C'est la vie.

Cormorant Drying Off
We relaxed with a glass of wine as Evie put together our dinner, baking the chicken in the oven and making a gravy of lemon, oregano and chicken juices.  This is another favorite and we always have it with rice.  We also had a couple of ears of corn and a salad to finish off our dinner.  We watched a couple of episodes of a new series on CBS All Access called ONE DOLLAR.  We are not sure about it but will stick with it.  We then ended the evening with laughs, watching Colbert, then Cheers.

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