Friday, May 10, 2013

Sunny, Warm, and No Games/Practices/Committments in Darien

Relaxing After The Boys Have Left For School

A Serious Girl

Loving Stew Leonard's 

Awake at 6:00, as the trash man cometh, but I was just about to get up anyways.  Evie, too, as the boys wanted egg/cheese/bacon bagels for breakfast and both have to be on their way by 7:00, much too early to begin learning.  It's nice to have blue skies, a freshly washed grass and woods.

Yesterday, once the kids left for school, we were a bit of a lost as to what to do, especially when it's wet out.  Mitch even asked yesterday, "What do you do all day, to Evie," and she tried to explain that being a Mom for a few days keeps her busy.  Typical kids remark,  I think, assuming that their mom's or grannny's sit around the house all day eating bon bons, drinking coffee, and watching soaps.  We did have an easy morning once the kids were off, so we filled it by shopping for a couple of dinners at our favorite grocery store, Stew Leonard's, in Norwalk, about twenty minutes away.  I have mentioned this store before, compared it with the other great grocery store, Fairways in Stamford, but Stew's has that old time feel to it, a bit run down, but amazing products, like their own milk, bottled at the store, their bakery, home made mozzarella, things like that.  It's difficult to get out of there without spending loads of dinero, and we didn't.  We did pass up the sweet potato chips, the breads and pies, but not the freshly squeezed strawberry/lemonade, which the kids loved.  Traffic, as usual, was heavy, always seems heavy around here whether on Interstate # 95 or Post Road, the main thoroughfare in town.  It makes me appreciate Chautauqua, living in a small town, with little traffic, especially when the CI is out of season.

We returned home around 12:30, had a ham sandwich for lunch, watched some of the NBA on TV while Evie got dinner ready for the night, fried chicken, so it would be ready when we returned from Mitchell's game.  Marisa's soccer practice was cancelled because of rain, so we went off to Mitch's home game at 4:00.  Unfortunately, there was an accident on the I-95, so the team arrived forty five minutes late, the second time in two days the games started late.  The varsity had a easy go of it, winning 3-0 and it was a fun game to watch.  Mitch played just a little.  The jayvees lost, 2-1, not playing as well as they could, appearing sluggish and tired.  Mitch looked much better at getting to the ball, more intuitive, less thinking, then acting.  Setter is a difficult position to play, as is learning all the positioning, but Mitch's seems to be the leader, telling everyone where they belong.  Interesting since he's been playing for only six weeks.
Poised for Action

Two fans and a Teeny Bopper

Back Set

We arrived home late, around 7:15 and fortunately, Evie had the fried chicken made, so all we needed to do was heat up the Mac and Cheese, the green beans, and dinner was ready.  The boys devoured the chicken, obviously they were very hungry, then went upstairs, without our asking to do there homework.  I had forgotten how busy these boys are, with school, sports, and homework, without much time for themselves, especially Mitch since volleyball takes up so much time.  But he seems to enjoy it, never complains, and gets his work done.  Good kids.  And of course Marisa is a joy, hanging in there, sitting patiently through the volleyball games, happy enough just to be with us.

We went to bed early, tired from the day, Evie from washing, cooking, cleaning up, making sure the kids are taken care of, me from doing almost nothing...a typical husband.

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