Monday, November 27, 2023

Flurries And 32º




It's 7:10 and I have been up for an hour, in darkness but now all is gray as I look out the window. A few ducks are floating just off the shore, black dots in a gray landscape. Well, it's snowing at 7:30, the ducks are feeding and I hear gunshots in the distance as the duck hunters are out. It does not look like a kayak morning as I am getting lazy and becoming a wimp. 

November Morning

Yesterday was Sunday, obviously, and it was fairly typical for us. I did get in a paddle before my breakfast and wrote the blog, We really didn't have any plans for the day but once we were finished with our coffee and breakfast, we decided since it was Sunday, we should take our usual walk around the Chautauqua Institution. So we drove over, parked our car, and walked for forty-five minutes on a windy late morning. The CI has definitely slowed down, as we saw nary a person during our walk. I am not sure how many residents live there full time, maybe four or five hundred compared to 7500 during the summer. It felt good to be outside and we came home refreshed, ready for brunch and an afternoon of football. 

Thunder Bridge

November Rose

Brick Walk

Evie made a great breakfast, potatoes, eggs, and toast and we watched a bit of the Bengals/Pittsburgh game. Since we didn't have much invested in that game, I decided to finish my book and nap if possible. I did. I forgot to mention that my Outback which had been sitting in the garage for two weeks wouldn't start so I called AAA and a guy came by to give it a charage. Earlier, I had tried to charge with a charging device I bought from Amazon but it didn't seem to work. When he came, we tried it again and then realized that if the battery was completely dead, I needed to push the manual override button, which allowed for greater power, and viola, the engine started. I let it idle for 35 minutes and hope it starts this morning. 

Around 5:00, we started to watch the Buffalo Bills game and hoped unlike the other two teams I tend to favor, Ohio State and the Cleveland Browns, they might pull off a win. And it looked like they would until the last minute of overtime when they allowed a game-winning score, ruining my weekend with a losing trifecta. Dinner, however, was great, Lex's Roast Chicken, from the Zingermen's Guide To Good Eating, from the famous deli in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Basically, its chicken thighs are arranged on top of sauteed onions, celery, herbs and sourdough bread, then baked, the juices from the chicken and onions flavoring the bread. We ended the night with the last two streaming episodes of The Crown, we were into it and thought the actress who played Diana was amazing. She looked and acted just like the Diana from the newsreels. 

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