Saturday, December 1, 2018

Warming, Melting, And Foggy

Dining At The Rod And Gun Club
It's 7:30 and the fog has mostly dissipated so I am able to see across the lake and see the ducks floating by our lakefront.  The snow is beginning to melt and our temperatures may be in the high 40's by Sunday.  Slush, mud, drizzle are the words.  It's 9:15 and I kayaked for forty-five minutes, scaring off geese but getting a photo of a swan.  It was a good morning on the lake.

Kayak Morning

A Solitary Swan
In Flight
We did not do much yesterday, no kayaking for me or hiking, just a good yoga class at 9:30 with Julie and then on to Ryder's Cup for some coffee and a dozen organic eggs.  When I returned home, Evie had begun the gargantuan task of going through our bookshelves, dusting, rearranging and throwing out or rather, giving to the library various books we no longer need.  For the most part, they are just decoration these days as I rarely go to them to find out something.  Hey, I have Google, Alexa and Siri to take the place of my reference library. 

I finished up the Turkish soup for lunch and watched another Jack Reacher and though I keep watching, it never really grabs me enough to make me believe it.  Much of episode six was set in Turkey, however, which was fun to watch or it was somewhere in California made to look like Turkey.  It seemed real.  I then read, napped, watched the snow melt, and wasted most of the afternoon as did Evie.  We don't feel guilty. 

We both showered around 4:00 because we going on an excursion, to the Chautauqua Mall to return a few things at Old Navy and give Evie a chance to get in some walking, joining the retirees who walk the malls.  It's still too icy to walk or hike outside for her.  The mall, alas, was practically empty, sad and depressing because it was a Friday night.  We cheered up some, however, when we found a spot at the Rod and Gun Club bar around 6:00.  The club, too, was not as busy as usual for a Friday night.  We struck up a conversation with the guy sitting next to us which was fun.  He owns most of the storage areas around Jamestown, as well as the Laundry on 394.  We told him about our idea, to pair a laundry with a bar but he did not seem too interested.  Anyways, it was interesting to talk with him before our number was called to go to our table.  You can say one thing about the Rod and Gun.  Service is quick.  We ordered within five minutes and had our fish fry within ten, almost too quickly.  Our fish fries were so big that they hung over the sides of the plate.  Both of us had been coveting a fish fry and they measured up to our desires.  Because Evie had just read an article about how bad french fries were for you, we ordered baked potatoes but I added butter and sour cream so I assume that's just as unhealthy as fries.

We were home by 7:00 and I realized it was our first time out to a restaurant since Evie's operation in late October.  It felt good to get out again.  We ended up watching the first episode of a mini-series on Showtime called ESCAPE AT DANNEMORA, a true story about two inmates who escape from a prison in upstate New York.  It's set in New York's Clinton Correction Facility, the largest maximum security facility in the state.  It was a bit slow but we will stick with it.  We ended the night as usual with Colbert.

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