Thursday, December 13, 2018

Through a Polaroid Lens

It's starting to get light at 7:10, Long Point just visible in the gray, overcast morning.  It's 32 and we might get a few more snowflakes this morning but not enough to be a problem.  The lake is slowly melting, as only a few yards of the shoreline is frozen.

Still Fishing On A Partially Frozen Lake
Wednesday was not much of change from previous days, weeks, years.  Coffee, write the blog and drive off to yoga at 9:40.  Jen, my teacher, has become a surfer and was in the water off off Presque Isle on Tuesday, catching a few waves, a tough gal to brave the cold waters of Lake Erie.  I mentioned to her that I used to surf in Hawaii back in the 1960s but she was not too impressed.  I don't blame her.  The class was good, lots of emphasis on prana, or breathing exercises.  I can handle them.  Afterward, I joined the crush at Aldi's where they had rib roasts on sale for 5.95 a pound, quite a deal since I saw a couple of roasts at Wegman's for over a hundred bucks.  I like Aldi's more and more, a poor man's Trader Joe's.

When I got home, I filled the bird feeder which I tend to do every three or four days because it's so busy.  For lunch, Evie made me a quesadilla and warmed up the last of the cauliflower soup and I watched Narcos.  Before driving off to Mayville for a doctor's appointment, Evie put together our dinner, a meatloaf, a meal I woke up thinking about yesterday morning and voila, I get it a day later.


Victoria Creek
While Evie was at the doctor's, I read, took a nap and decided around 3:30 get some exercise so I hiked around our woods on a gray and gloomy afternoon. I tried listening to Apple Music as I hiked with success but I am not sure that's the way to go when I hike.  I find I am either listening to music or paying attention to nature and I prefer nature. The music is fine for a treadmill or walking in a neighborhood but not in the woods.

The Lake Through The Trees

Long Point On A Cold, Gloomy Afternoon
Around 6:00, we turned on the fireplace and enjoyed our usual preprandial glass of wine, this time with pretzels and dip.  While we enjoyed dusk, the meatloaf was baking so that by 7:00, we were happy in our TV room, with a meatloaf and mashed potatoes dinner with a salad of course.  I really like meatloaf, the ultimate comfort food and we have enough leftover for another dinner, perhaps a lunch or two.  We were not sure what to watch since we were finished with MY BRILLIANT FRIEND, so we stuck with a couple of Stephen Colbert's and ended the evening with The Great British Baking Show, always fun.  And I continue to enjoy and be amazed as I read EDUCATED.  At the moment, Tara managed to win a scholarship to Cambridge, despite never having gone to high school and being the victim of an abusive, crazy father, an amazing story of an obviously brilliant but damaged young woman.

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