Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Just The Seven Of Us

Five In The Garden


Coneflower Hot Pink
I missed the sunrise for the first time in quite a while, having slept into the unheard of time of 6:40.  A bit of color in the sky but mostly cloudy, as it's been the last couple of days and will be for the next couple.  I did get in a paddle, an hour later than usual but did catch a few shots of a blue heron.

Kayak Morning

No dramatics yesterday on Tyler, our eldest grandson's final day at the lake. I went for a heronless paddle around 7:00 and returned to a still sleeping house.  Evie was soon up as well as Beth who decided to make Tyler's favorite for breakfast, peameal bacon.  So she drove to the Lighthouse Point Grocery in Mayville and picked up a pound as well as some other goodies.

Making ButtermilkBiscuits
By the time she was back, # 2 son, Mitchell was up making buttermilk biscuits to go with the peameal bacon and eggs.

Around 11:00, the gang was up so Beth fried up the bacon, made the eggs, and Mitch's biscuits were done so we had a first rate breakfast.  I was happy to have a couple of honey glazed biscuits with a slice of ham between the halves although most had eggs as well. Breakfast was late enough for most of us to be a brunch. 

Too Comfortable
Beth and Tyler drove over to Bemus to shop around 12:30.  Evie fired up the lawn mower and cut the grass while the girls and Mitch played a game on their iPhones.  I am not sure what the game involves other than violence, competition, and is addicting.  It's hard to get the girls attention when they are playing. 

Halle Selfie With Llama
Marlena And Friend
They tired, however, and at Evie's suggestion, they walked over to the campground, with corn cobs, to feed the animals at the Petting Zoo.  Once the lawn was cut, and the girls returned with ice cream from the campground store, six of us went out on the dock to swim and play on the surfboard.  It felt good to be in the water again and the sun even peaked out occasionally. 

 Shower in the Lake

Beth pulled out the paints and set up the picnic table for some rock painting, but the girls were scared away by a bee, so it was Beth and me out on a threatening late afternoon, painting rocks.   Mine tend to be the same, a lack of imagination, although Beth's are always interesting and I love her quick take of a great blue heron.

Heron By Beth

Aloha Tyler
Tyler was supposedly taking an Uber to the airport and 6:00 but as I predicted (to myself thinking of Murphy's Law), no drivers were interested so Beth had to take him and miss dinner out at Steeners Irish Pub, now one of the girls favorite spots.  So six of us bid Tyler adieu and piled into the Honda Accord, with Halle sitting on Marlena's lap and drove to Greenhurst.

Steak And Salad At Steeners
 Four of us had the steak special, two steaks for twenty bucks and Halle and Marisa had salads.  Dinner was great, lots of fries, as well as steaks and we were home by 8:00, in time to sit out as it got dark.  Evie pulled out the balloons and pump, a game we played when the girls were younger but still love.  They blow up a large hot dog shaped balloon, set free in the sky and chase it, trying to catch it before it hits the ground.  In most cases, the balloons ended up in the trees, bushes or on our roof.  Still, they loved it. 

Blowing Up Balloons

Trying To Catch A Balloon
We then watched a movie I thought the girls would really like called SING STREET.  We still had Tyler's mattress on the floor of the TV room, so a couple of the girls laid on it, the rest sat on couches to watch the movie.  I don't think the movie will be a favorite but they seemed to like it.  After the film,  Evie and I went up to bed, leaving the rest to hang out until they became tired.

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