Saturday, June 16, 2018

Saturday And Sunshine


Kayak Morning
 Up at 6:00, just missing the sunrise on a cool 54º morning.  I was awakened by bass boats earlier, not sure of the time, perhaps 5:30 but that seems too early.  Anyways, both Evie and I are up at the moment, 6:50, thinking about our day but still too tired to talk.  All we want is coffee and quiet.

Duck Rising
Yesterday began with a great paddle, the lake spectacular early morning, then home in time to get to yoga at 9:30 with Julie.  I was tempted by a coffee after class but I am trying to cut back so I came straight home like a good boy.  When I walked in, the kitchen was in chaos as Evie was finishing up putting together our dinner, chicken and eggplant parmesan.  I quickly pitched in, washing and drying some of the dishes and within twenty minutes, last night's dinner was practically done and the kitchen was cleaned up. 

I had the last of both the cauliflower soup and Wegman's sub for lunch, watched some of the World Cup soccer because I was having trouble with watching Netflix, something that happens occasionally.  Around 1:30, our neighbors, Bill and Joyce, arrived for the summer, so we helped them move some of their stuff into the house.  It's good to have them back with us, their 44th summer at the lake, our 37th.  It was a fine afternoon, not too hot, so we spent put in some dock time but were eventually driven inside by the wind, surprisingly strong and cool.  I did some watering from the lake, some work on bare spots on our lawn, and read some.

Back In The Neighborhood
Our neighbors, Bill, Joyce, and Pat arrived around 5:30 for dinner.  We sat out on the front porch with beers and chips, catching up on their lives since early fall when they both drove back to their winter homes, in Philadelphia and Houston, respectively.  They are the smart ones, going elsewhere for the Chautauqua winters although we are among the rare ones, who love it here.  Everyone was hungry and we loved the dinner, both the chicken and eggplant parmesan and both Bill and I went back for seconds.  We had dessert in the living room, a lemon pudding cake because it was too cool to eat out on the porch.  They walked home around 8:30, the end to a fun night.  Evie and I then got busy, washing and drying the dishes so we would not have to wake up to a mess.  We then watched a Colbert before going up to bed.  It's good to have our friends back at the lake. 

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