Saturday, June 9, 2018

Quiet And Calm At 5:30


No longer is it quiet and calm, as the birds have awakened, the martins are busy, building their nests, flitting from one house to another.  It's 6:30 as I write this and the sun has just appeared above the morning cloud cover.  It's a 54º morning and should be a decent weekend, partly cloudy and not too warm, temperatures in the 70's,  the way we like it.

Wren Nesting In Our Gourd
Pop And Mama Wrens
Friday was another great June day, sunny and warm but not hot.  I had a great paddle, finally, a placid lake, a few bird spottings as many have migrated north.  I then went to yoga with Julie at 9:30 and since she had just returned from an all-day yoga class on back health, she took us through a number of ways to improve our back health, something almost all my age needs.  The problem is doing them!

Hooded Merganser And Babies Hitching A Ride

More Baby Mergansers
I then stopped at Walmart, to pick up a few hose connectors, making it easier to water our garden and ended up buying some fishing lures, a couple of chairs, and groceries.  Beware of Walmart.  When I returned home, Evie pointed out that we had four of one of the chairs I bought in our attic, so I get to return it this week.  It was such a great day that we decided to have lunch on the boat, so I warmed up a bowl of ratatouille which Evie had made, added some yogurt, put a top on the bowl and we were off, cruising down to Prendergast Point and back.  As we cruised, we were shocked by the weeds in Whitney Bay, as they already have grown to the lake's surface.  We were back around 1:30 and Evie quickly gathered her dock gear and went out to get some sun, occasionally fish.  I relaxed in the TV room, watching Babylon Berlin but falling asleep so I missed most of it.

Afternoon Clouds Over Chautauqua Lake
I then joined Evie until about 3:30 when she went in to help our neighbor set up her new cell phone.  Well, that was a project and an hour and a half later, the phone was still not working 100% correctly despite talking with customer service. While she worked on the phone, I read and watered the various privets in our front yard.  By 5:30, Evie gave up on the phone until tomorrow and we both enjoyed a couple of beers on the dock before going in to prepare dinner.  Evie had made ratatouille earlier, had also marinated some chicken breasts in teriyaki sauce, so she grilled them briefly on both sides, made a salad and we had our dinner.  By the time we ate, it was after 7:00.  We watched a couple of Colbert, a Vice News, and the first half of the depressing Cavs game as they just did not have their heart in it, knowing that that hopes for a championship were over. 

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