Friday, April 21, 2017

Clouds And Stuff




I woke just after 6:00 to a Chautauqua gray sky, threatening rain, but within the hour, the cloud cover broke up, blue skies appeared as did the sun.  Right now there are lots of puffy clouds, some blue,  as the sun peaks in and out.  It's 50ยบ and will not get much warmer.  The next few days should be dry, quite a contrast to yesterday when we got a couple of inches through the day and night.

Yesterday was out of character because we spent much of it in Buffalo.  Evie had appointments in Buffalo at 11:30 and 2:30, a good hour and a half away, so we left around 9:00, warned to get there a half hour early.  It was a particularly nasty day, stormy with torrential rains at times, usually when we attempted to get our of the car.  After the first appointment, we had a quick lunch at McDonalds and did a little shopping and waited a good 15 minutes to get into the car because of the heavy rain.  And after the second appointment, we just wanted to get home as traffic was heavy and the rain torrential. We might have enjoyed Buffalo more had the weather cooperated.

6:24 pm
We were happy to get home and quickly relaxed with a glass of wine and some cheese and crackers.  And the sky became threatening once again, dark clouds looming, and begin to rain, the weather gods unable to make up their minds.

7:58 pm
Dinner was easy and tasty, leftover prime rib, twice baked potatoes, popovers and gravy.  We watched a bit of the Cavs, then got caught up on The Americans and we started but did not finish the first episode of the new Fargo series.  We are not sure of it, lost interest because we were getting tired, so we saved it for another night.  It felt so good to go to bed.

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