Monday, April 24, 2017

Breakfast On The Dock

Morning Breakfast



I have to start getting up earlier as the sun had already risen and filled the living room with light when I came downstairs at 6:40.  The sun, obviously rises a bit earlier each day until the summer solstice on June 21st.  Right now, it rises in our area at 6: 31, sets at 8:19.

Stillness Of Early Morning
Yesterday morning was quite different from our usual routine.  We both enjoyed a leisurely coffee, trying to decide what to do with our day.  Finally, we decided that I should go to Kundalini yoga, a variation of the gong show, and Evie would stay home and start the process of making cabbage rolls.   My class was interesting and different, as we meditated for close to 20 minutes and a couple of breathing exercises which ended with a held breath which made me feel as though I might pass out. Scary and not so good.  I won't do that again.

Cabbage Rolls Ready for Sauerkraut, Tomato Sauce, and Bake
After class, I headed home, so I could help with the cabbage rolls but Evie had completed the task of making her step mother Dot's recipe, of over 50 cabbage rolls, filling three 9 by 13 pans, quite a task. Needless to say, we did not have to think about what we were having for dinner.  We both decided to pass on going to the Rod and Gun Club for bean bag, as our dock guys were coming in the afternoon and we wanted to be here to make sure things went smoothly.  So we both did some mowing during the afternoon, cutting both our yard and our neighbors until the guys arrived, around 3:30.  I cut for awhile, then came in and watched some of the Cavs game and then went out ide.  Evie did the same, checking on the cabbage rolls, then cutting the lawn, then coming in again.

It was another sunny and warm afternoon on the lake, perfect for being outside or putting in the dock because the temperatures got up into the 70's.  It took the guys over two hours to get our dock finally in, as the end pieces are a bear plus the water is up to their necks and despite the wetsuits, very cold. They earned their money for sure.

We had hoped to have wine time out on the dock because I had gotten out some chairs but the wind had picked up and at 6:00, it was already getting too cool to sit out.  So we had our glass of wine inside, as the aroma of cabbage rolls and sauerkraut filled the kitchen.  And at least I cannot eat cabbage rolls with out a mound of mashed potatoes, so Evie put them together just before we ate.  Both of us went back for seconds because the cabbage rolls were so good, hit the spot.  We had a difficult time figuring out what to watch on TV as Sunday is a bad night until later.  We watched The Circus on Showtime, a weekly chronicle of the Trump Show, always amusing and some other stuff I  cannot remember.

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