Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Clear, Blue And Cloudless Morning Sky




Woodlawn At 8:00 In The Morning
What a morning to wake up to.  A crisp morning, a cloudless sky, blinding sunrise, calm lake, a few ducks, a single fishing boat and me.   I want to get in my kayak and go.  And I did, just got back from a short paddle, surprisingly cool, in the high 30's I suppose but enervating.  

Cruising Buffleheads 
Yesterday I went kayaking around 8:00, to enjoy the lake, the martins, and flush out the ducks as I paddled near the shore.  It's the best way to start my morning.  When I got home, Evie was up and I had my breakfast, yogurt and homemade granola, while I finished the blog and Evie proofed it and picked out the photographs, our morning routine.  Around 10:00, I drove to Celoron, to the Hollyloft Bike shop, and picked up my bike which I have tuned every other year.  And the technician took me through the process of taking off the front wheel so I can fit it in my Outback without having to buy a bike rack.  When I got home, Evie was back at it, working on the Shutterfly album and listening to Micheal Smerconish on POTUS, our morning show from 9:00-12:00.  It's what retirees do, listen to the radio while we do something else.

For lunch, I had vegetable soup and a can of sardines which, supposedly, are very good for you despite the olive oil.  I have always liked them, learned to eat them from my father back in the days.  I watched the rest of a SPIRAL episode before tiring of watching TV and read and took another nap.  It gets to be a habit.  Evie was off at Sherwin Williams, helping her friend Linda, pick out colors for the inside of their new home. They were the only customers in the store so they could really take their time and go through the various shades of white, hundreds of them, before finally coming to some consensus.  Afterwards, she did some shopping and stopped at the Y.  

Evie returned home around 3:00 and we both wasted the rest of the afternoon, feeling guilty about doing nothing.  I made a stab at doing some weeding and thought about cutting the lawn but thought better of it.  We made it, finally, to wine time, a quiet, calm late afternoon on the lake.  Dinner was leftover spaghetti and meatballs, so that was easy and Evie also put some asparagus in the oven and sprinkled some parmesan cheese on them for a vegetable to go along with a salad.  We caught up on Billions and half the time, we cannot figure out what's going on but we keep watching.  Then, we watched American Crime, a depressing series, to go along with Vice News.  The only good thing was that the Cavaliers won ugly, again, and are now two up in their series with the Pacers.  

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