Thursday, March 14, 2013

Winter's Attempt At A Come Back!

Dinner with our neighbor, Pat Jones


Ice Fishing Fanatics
Up at 6:30 though right now it's 7:15, just beginning to get light.  And amazingly, two guys are out fishing in the middle of the lake, having walked out from Victoria.  It's windy and cold outside, 22ยบ, as winter seems to have returned for a day or two.  We got  three inches of snow last night, perhaps another inch today.  I did walk outside to see if the paper had arrived; it hadn't but the wind was bitter, the sky gray an threatening, making me want to hurry back inside, turn on the fireplace, get my coffee and settled down on my couch, warm and cosy in the house.  Let the wind howl, I am comfortable and  thank god I am not out in the middle of the lake fishing!

I am getting a bit bored with writing that we went to yoga and the YMCA yesterday, so I won't.  Class did last close to ninety minutes, however, which I hurry to finish class, to  get somewhere, very yoga like.  Not much exciting to tell about yesterday.  I did have to drive back downtown, to Jamestown, in the afternoon.  I had picked up my finished taxes on Monday but discovered that I had forgotten a 1099.  I called and they said to bring it down; they would rework my taxes, to see if I owed something.  They did not seem surprised as this must happen often.

While I was downtown, our neighbor Pat Jones called; they had just arrived at the lake for a few days from Houston.  She had an Amish awning maker over to her house and asked if we would like to talk to him about an awning for our front porch.  They brought him over and he gave us an amazing price, one third of what was quoted to us by another individual last fall.  Needless to say, we said yes, so we will pick out the fabric the next time he stops by.  He lives in Pennsylvania and the Jone's had to pick him up and take him home because he does not drive.  But the prices are right.  No wonder so many businesses, especially those in building and  construction, resent the Amish, not only for their lower prices but because they are not subject to some of the restrictions or rules of most businesses.

Because Pat was alone last night, we asked her over for dinner, David having driven to Rochester for a meeting.  Evie made a chicken dish from the cookbook we got this past weekend called Carrabbas's Chicken Brian.  It's chicken made with a sun dried tomato, wine, lemon, garlic and onion sauce,  but she changed it some, according to taste, adding and subtracting various things, until it was perfect.  It turned a typical chicken breast in to a really tasty dinner.  Along with brown rice and a salad, we were content.  Pat stayed until about 9:00 when I walked her home, through the snow and dark yards.  It was a wet, muddy walk  though the yards, a result of the melting snow the past few days.

We watched Smash, read, played games on the computer before going to bed, a fun evening.

It's now 7:36, the sun has risen, the lake white and surrounding shoreline visible, the sky gray, more inviting than earlier.  We also were talking last night about when the ice on the lake melted last year.  I checked out my blog and the lake opened, at least here at Woodlawn, last year on March 10th.  On the 8th, there was about thirty feet of open water along the shoreline, ice beyond and I had pictures of fishermen still out on the ice.  So far, then, this has been a colder winter.

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