Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cold But Clear, For Now

Ah Winter!

Cathedral of Snow


Up at 6:30, a couple more inches of snow last night, it's cold, 16º outside, and surprise, a clear sky above and out over the lake, a dense cloud bank, however, hangs over the far Bemus shore.  We have a winter wonderland outside, every branch of every tree seems heavily frosted, up and down the lake.  Welcome Spring.  Later today, lake effect snow warnings go into effect, with the possibility of six to ten more inches by tomorrow, noon.  An update on the weather...I just took a picture of clear sky, a view of the lake and a minute later, it has disappeared, as its snowing, obscuring Long Point.

Yoga was cancelled again, yesterday, because of the weather.  The roads were bad but passable, as we went out twice, with no problem.  Let's hope we have yoga today, Thursday, as I miss it.  Because of the the cancellation of yoga, we decided to drive over to Warner Bay, park, and go exploring in the woods east of RT. 426.  We had explored it a bit two weeks ago.  We first started with our cross country skis but found they iced up again.  Fortunately, we brought our snow shoes, so we traded our skis in for the shoes, and had a wonderful walk, through the most amazing, snow covered woods.  We were not sure where we were going, following trails, what seemed to be roads, mostly up hill, through the woods, trees snow covered, the trails having a foot of snow.  We eventually came out on to a clearing, where a large house sat, with no seeming road to it.  We then wound our way back, partially on a snow mobile trails, and back to the car, over an hour of rigorous walking.  It was amazing to be in these woods and it snowed much of the time, making it even more picturesque and challenging.  We stopped briefly in Bemus, at the library and went into Skillmans and Wight  to browse all the new but expensive clothes.
Snow Shoeing

Loving the Snow

We went home, had lunch and Evie then spent a good part of the afternoon decorating Easter cookies for the grandchildren, a time consuming, arduous process.  Let's hope the grandchildren appreciate all the time that went into each cookie before they devour them!

For dinner, we met the Mc Clures, who else, at Guppy's, a few miles away, near Maple Springs.  It's a cosy place to go on a wintry night.  We sat at their small, five people bar for a beer, then went to one of the two tables in the bar for dinner.  Burgers and fries were the special of the night so we all ordered the same thing, mushroom burgers and fries.  They were great, as good as the Seezurh House, and their menu is quite extensive, with specials each week day night.  We got home around 9:00, in time to watch the Cleveland Cavaliers blow a 27 point second half lead to Lebron James and the Miami Heat.  Poor Cleveland fans!

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