Monday, March 25, 2013

Snowy and Overcast, A Typical Spring Morning Here at the Lake

Beauty and the Old Beasts
Hiking Long Point

Up at 7:00 and so far, the only one up.  I was surprised to see some snow on the cars, some wet snow descending outside, almost blizzardy looking out  towards the lake.  Not a very inviting day so far.  It's 25º at the moment, will stay in the high twenties most of the day.

On The Lake At Tip of Long Point
We have had lots of company the last few days and yesterday was no exception.  My friend from Hawaii, of course, is here till today, Monday, when he goes to Cleveland to see family.  Yesterday, then, we took him for a drive around the north end of the lake, showing him some of the sights, like the Lighthouse Grocery, will he had a nice talk with Norm, the butcher, and we picked up some ground chuck for burgers later in the day.  He liked the old, run down feel of the Lighthouse, like us.  We continued around the north end, driving around Pt. Chautauqua, then on to Long Point State Park, where we went for a walk, eventually out to the tip of Long Point, even walking some on the ice, where many snow mobile tracks marked the lake snow.  It was an easy walk, not too rigorous as Dick is still recovering from a fall from painting a ceiling and also has a bum knee.  Ain't growing older wonderful.
Pancake Breakfast at Red's

We had our usual Sunday breakfast and Dick had four farm fresh eggs, along with bacon and onion rye  toast. Like us, he has healthy breakfasts usually, for him a smoothie, but when on vacation or traveling, why not indulge, thus the eggs and bacon.  Around 2:00, another one of our good friends from my basketball and teaching days, John DiAngelo, from Concord, Ohio, drove out to see us.  He's a great guy, loves basketball, has lots in common with us, so we had a great time catching up during the afternoon.  He's staying the night as well, so he can take Dick back to Cleveland today.  Around 4:00, Stan Marshaus also came over, also friends with John, so we watched some basketball and had a great dinner, of burgers, french fries, cheesy cauliflower. and brownies.  Evie, obviously, has been very busy in the kitchen the last couple of days. feeding all of us.  She even made up the waffle batter last night for this morning's breakfast, one Stan is also  coming over for.  Our house has been like Evie's Diner since Friday night.
The Guys

Interestingly, as we watched the games last night, we got into talking about religion, usually a taboo, as well as the changes we have seen in the past fifty years, in our lives, especially in teaching (the students), but also in the attitudes toward belief and God.  Both John and Dick are religious, where as I am a pagan, Stan's a believer some what.  No arguments or bad feelings, which was nice.  We did not solve any problems, just sounded like the old guys we have become, typical no doubt of diners across America each morning, as retirees gather for breakfast, bemoaning the changes in the world.  It was a good day, great to get together with old buddies, renew ties, reminisce, and learn more about their lives, hidden by distance and time.  We change but don't; underneath the white heads are the same young guys I remember from fifty years ago.

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