Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Snowy St. Patrick's Sunday

Lakewood Rod and Gun Club With Pat and David Jones


One Year Ago, Record Highs
Up later than usual, 7:20. light snow falling and at the moment, I can hardly see Long Point.  Let it snow!  It's 29ยบ outside, flurries expected much of the day, in fact, much of the week.  Lots of birds at the feeder, popping up to it from the bushes below.  Most are sparrows, nuthatches, and finches, which are starting to gain color.

Great Pyrenees
A good yoga class yesterday morning, about ten of us, and a long savasna, which everyone seems to enjoy.  We leave relaxed and carefree, at least for the moment.  Evie had errands to run, some shopping to do, so I waited at Ryder's Cup, talking with Joyce, the barrista, mostly about India.  Evie picked up corned beef  and cabbage for today's dinner, along with other good things, the makings for one of my favorite breads, an onion rye, a recipe we were given by Gene Higgins's wife, friends from Robert College in Istanbul, Turkey.  We took it easy Saturday afternoon, watching lots of basketball, and going for a long walk around the campground.  It felt good to be outside, fresh air is such an elixir, and we stopped briefly to talk with the owner of two Great Pyrenees, large, white, fluffy dogs, the kind the Bissell's owned when in Colorado.  When I left, I had hair and slobber all over my sweats. I had forgotten that the dogs drooled and shed excessively!
Not Quite Your Starbucks Which I Like...Buy Local

Around 6:00, we went over to our neighbor's house, Dave and Pat Jones, for a drink and appetizers, then went out to dinner at our Saturday night hangout, the Lakewood Rod and Gun Club.  We did not get there until 7:20 and though the parking lots were full, we only had to wait around ten minutes.  We all had the Queen's cut of Prime Rib and were in and out of the dining room in about an hour.  The service is amazing, has to be, as they must serve two or three hundred dinners a night. David was in town for a meeting in Rochester, at his alma mater, RIT.  They had just dedicated an amazing new building, the Golisano Sustainability Institute.  Everything about the building is green, with an emphasis on sustainability, also a new major.  From lights, to heating, to energy sources, it's efficient and sustainable.  Things like this are happening all over the United States, with schools and universities leading the way, a combination of both public and private funds.  It's nice to hear some optimism in this changing world. We stayed  long enough to hear the band play a couple of oldies but goodies (Little Darling by the Diamonds), getting home around 9:30.  I watched the saved second half of the Ohio Akron MAC finals.  The Bobcats played poorly the last ten minutes losing by nineteen points after being tied at halftime, quite depressing.  I went up to read my new book, LAST WORDS, the biography of comedian George Carlin, enjoying a few laughs before going to bed.

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