Saturday, November 12, 2022

Gray And More Gray

A Great Blue Blue  At The Mouth Of Woodlawn Creek



It's 7:00 and a dreary morning here on the lake. It looks like rain but the weather apps seem to disagree. Let's hope they are correct so I can kayak. I just checked the rain gauge and we received three and a half inches in the past 24 hours. Wow. It is 8:40 now and I was out on the lake for forty minutes, in a mist, and had a wavy, rough paddle coming home as usual. I scared off a heron, lots of geese but got a couple of great photos of a heron just off the shore of Woodlawn creek. I just looked out our front window and was shocked to see three swans dunking their heads in the lake, feeding on weeds. 

Kayak Morning

Dunking For Weeds


A Bevy Of Swans

Yesterday was one of those days when we were happy to just stay home. It rained all day, nonstop, so I could not find a break to get in a walk. I was up early so by 7:30, I had already written the blog and skimmed the NYTimes and Washington Post as well as other apps. I had breakfast and did a few things in the house until 10:00 when I decided to go out to the garage and put a few things up in the attic and organize it a bit. Evie, meanwhile, was a busy beaver upstairs, going through her clothes, chucking some, while others were going to the Salvation Army. I even got the bug and went through my many tee shirts and socks, getting rid of the ones I no longer wear. Evie even took a stab at straightening up the attic, with some of my help. So despite the rain and crappy weather, we felt good at getting many things done.

By 12:30, however, we lost our mojo. I had lunch, more soup, and the rest of the sub sandwich and watched my show. I then read my book Boy21 and fell asleep while Evie relaxed in the TV room and kicked back most of the afternoon. Because we were busy all morning, we felt no guilt at being lazy and just listening to it rain.

By 6:00, however, we were both showered and ready to go out to dinner with Linda and Ron. We were planning on driving a good half hour to the Stockton Inn but because of the rain and fog, we decided on Andriaccio's, a few miles away. It was a good choice, with lots of pasta dishes, pizzas, burgers, and fish fries. Linda and Ron had just returned from a four-day stay in Philadelphia with Linda's sisters, so it was fun to hear about their trip. Surprisingly, we were home by 8:00, both tired and happy to relax and watch some TV, Jeopardy and The Crown. 

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