Wednesday, November 30, 2022




It's a miserable morning here on the lake. wet, gray, rainy, windy, and cold and we may get some snow, probably sleet later in the day. I drove a thousand miles for this! Still, as always, it's nice to be in one's home even after a fun road trip. 

Ohio Sun Rise: 7:38

We left Englewood's Hampton, earlier than expected because both of us slept fitfully and were up by 6:00. We relaxed, had our coffee, and finished the blog by 7:00 and were on our way in the morning darkness. Apple's Maps app said we would be home by noon, a five-hour drive and by golly, we were, even after two stops for gas. The drive early morning to Columbus was busy but once we got beyond Columbus and drove north on 271, traffic thinned out. We took turns driving and stopped at the Ohio line for gas and bought a subway sandwich for lunch when we arrived home. Interestingly, while driving on #71 from Columbus to Cleveland, we passed five semis with Kane Brown's name and photo covering the whole side of the trailer. Evie looked up the name and he's a famous country Western singer about to go on a tour of Canada, from Toronto to Vancouver. He must have quite a few Western shirts and boots. 

We unloaded the car quickly and were surprised that all the snow had melted, and only deadfall from the trees remained. It's always a bit scary to walk into the house after a long road trip but all was well. Since the World Cup match did not go on until 2:00, I relaxed, read, and even took a brief cat nap. We then watched the match, biting our nails like everyone else for the last ten or fifteen minutes as the US defeated Iran 1-0, to advance to the second round. 


After the match, it felt good to get outside, pick up some deadfall and do some raking before dusk. Evie had a Zoom call with her sisters at 5:00 and we then had a Manhattan and chips and dip to celebrate our return home. While I was out raking, Evie made a rigatoni pasta, with tomato sauce and mushrooms. It was simple but surprisingly delicious, as we caught up on some of the shows we missed over the past two weeks. We did, however, go to bed by 9:30, tired from our drive the past two days. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Missing Family

Beth's Family

Tom's Family

It's 5:50 and I am the only one in the Hampton Inn lounge since it does not open until 6:00 but I couldn't sleep so I thought I might as well get up. For whatever reason, both of us had a fitful night. We have only a five-hour drive today since we are staying at the Englewood Hampton Inn, near Dayton.

Yesterday was an uneventful drive and we drove farther than we thought, into Ohio rather than staying in Richmond, IN like last year. It took eight hours as expected but with the time change we did not arrive until 4:40. Whenever we leave Tom's home and head east on #70, we always seem to get a striking sunrise.

It's not our favorite drive, through the flat lands and vast fields of Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and finally, Ohio. We made two stops for food at Mc Donalds, for breakfast and lunch, and once for gas, and traded driving every couple of hours. 

Once we arrived at our Hampton, to relaxed until 6:00 when we drove just up the street to Meijer, an amazing grocery store.  It would give Wegmans a run for the best grocery store. It was also a clothing and everything store, like a Target I suppose. We picked up groceries for tonight and tomorrow, then went next door to El Toro, a recommended Mexican restaurant, a good choice. We struck up a conversation with an amusing couple at the bar. He was a Cincinnati Bengals fan and a die-hard Ohio State fan, ready to fire the coaching staff after their devastating loss to rival Michigan. We made the mistake of ordering meals. Evie had flautas and I had carnitas, both coming with rice and refried beans so we ended up with doggy bags. 

We were back at 7:30, wondering how we would stay awake long enough to stay on a decent sleep schedule. and get a good night's sleep.  Fortunately, Hampton had HBO and we happened to see that Howard Stern's interview with Bruce Springsteen was on. It was amazing, both the Boss, who sang various songs, and Howard, who asked penetrating and thoughtful questions. We could watch it again as both were humanized by the interview, not just a famous musician and talk show host. 

With luck, we should be home in time to watch the US play Iran in futbol. 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Road Trip East

Ready For Christmas

It's just before 6:00 and a miracle, we are both up waiting for the coffee to be made. A chilly 29º with clear skies begins our eight-hour drive. Once we have our coffee, we will be on our way, sad to leave but happy to be heading home.

Sunday was a relaxing day, in fact, most of our days are relaxing. I was up for literally three hours before anyone joined me except for the dog. All four seemed to get up at once, however and had their coffee, a few ate breakfast. Mary rode the stationary bike while I drove uptown and filled the car with gas. Then, we got ready for a Costco run for dinner and a few other un-necessities. We shopped, however, for a good half hour and then had lunch, a coke, and hotdog for me, and pizza for Marlena. 

Aundraya and Nick Arrive

When we got home, we put a few things in the car and the afternoon of football began. Also, Mary and Tom brought out their Christmas stuff, including a tree, so while the game was on, Tom put up the tree and lights and Mary decorated the mantel with stockings and Christman decorations. While they were decorating, Nick and Aunraya came over just as Evie was busy making twice-baked potatoes, cleaning mushrooms for sauteeing, and trimming and blanching the brussel sports. Once they were done, Mary brought out some appetizers and we watched the Bengals/Ravens game until 3:30 when we adjourned to the basement to watch the Chiefs play the Rams.  Marlena, unfortunately, had to miss a great dinner because she had to drive back to Fayetteville for classes Monday. 

Chiefs Win

The family is huge Chiefs fans so it was fun to watch the game although it seemed to go on forever to Evie and me because we usually tape games, then breeze through commercials. Once the game was over at 6:15, Tom fired up the smoker and Evie was already in the kitchen, baking the potatoes, getting veggies and Brussels sprouts ready, and making a salad,  Tommy smoked three nice ribeyes and a couple of tenderloins steaks so we had plenty of steaks and sides, probably too much. Dinner was amazing and though we had what seemed like more than enough, we practically finished everything. Unfortunately, Mary was not feeling well and had a migraine so she missed dinner. 

Marlena Hugs Bella

We sat around the table talking about the dismal state of the political world until 8:30 when Nick and Audnraya drove home, after Costco's apple pie and ice cream of course. Tom and I stayed up until 9:30 and watched some more football but then went to bed,

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Raining In Kansas City

The Guys


It's 7:15, and Bella has just barked, to let me know she wants to go outside, and all is well here in KC, as everyone still sleeps but me. It looks like a cloudy day with a high in the 40s although tomorrow, when we head home, it should be sunny. 

Saturday was a bad day if you were an Ohio State fan. We were looking forward to watching the game which started here at 11:00. So I was up at my usual time, enjoyed my coffee, and wrote the blog before anyone was up. Evie was up by 9:00 and edited the blog and published it by 9:30.  I wanted to get in some exercise so I walked to Tom's downtown, a small group of fast food places, maybe ten stores, with a coffee shop and bike shop, and apartments. 


It took 15 minutes to get there, and another fifteen to get back. I had hoped to get a breakfast burrito at Taco Bell, a five-minute walk from their house, but this Taco Bell does not make breakfast. So I had yogurt, granola, and bananas for breakfast and was happy.

Downtown Kansas City

While we waited for the Ohio State game to begin, we watched France play Ecuador in the World Cup until the game began. All I will say about the Buckeyes is they deserved to lose and were outplayed in every facet of the game. 

Rieger's Bar

Bourbon Brewing

By 3:00, we were all showered and ready to meet Nick and Audraya in Kansas City at the J. Rieger & Co. a restaurant, bar, as well as distillery. Ironically, we had a hard time getting there as two slow-moving trains blocked the way as we turned around to avoid one, and found another. The distillery is built around the vats of bourbon, with a great bar, tables and chairs, and an outdoor patio. We were able to find a table just large enough for the seven of us. Everyone ordered a cocktail and we also ordered two appetizers, potatoes and pretzels with cheese sauce. Our drinks were perfect, great Old Fashions for the three of us and Evie ordered a delicious 'Old Dog New Tricks' with vodka, grapefruit liquor, aperol, lime juice, simple syrup, and pink salted glass. 

Crazy Selfie

Restaurant And Bar

Rieger's Patio

We stayed around an hour before driving to Nick and Aundraya's neat apartment, about 15 minutes away near Country Club Plaza. We relaxed with them and Nick got out his bourbon and made four more Old Fashions for us to enjoy. It's a perfect apartment for a young couple to start their lives together. 

The Loving Couple At Home

Vodka Mary

We left for Joe's Barbecue, the best barbecue in Kansas City. We went to the original Joe's, which is a modified gas station that still sells gas. When we arrived, there was already a line out the door as well as inside as it would around the dining area. We waited probably forty-five minutes to order, worried about getting a table, but the guys busing the tables found us one. All seven of us ordered either pork or brisket sandwiches with lots of barbecue sauce and the fries were large enough to feed two or three so we were happy foodies. 

Waiting At Joe's Barbecue And Gas Station

A Busy Barbecue

We said our goodbyes to Nick and Audraya and Tom drove home in the rain, making it hard to see. When we got home, we sat in the living room, planning today's dinner, and watching the Kansas/Kansas State football game on TV. By then, I had enough football and read, watching the game occasionally. I was tuckered out by 9:30 and was the first one to go downstairs to sleep but Evie soon joined me. What a good day and who cares if Ohio State was embarrassed. 

Marlena And Sleeping Dad And Dog

Saturday, November 26, 2022

A Holiday Of Futbol, Basketball, And Football

Our Granddaughter Marlena And Bella


Deer Sighting

It's another quiet morning here in KC, the sky briefly pink, as a deer happened to walk by our backyard. It's 7:25 and only Bella and I are up. It looks like it will cloud up and then rain this evening with the highs around 50º. 

Yesterday was Black Friday but as far as I know, none of us bought anything. Yea. The morning went quickly as I was up early; by 10:00, Tom and Mary were having a breakfast of apple pie with me before driving off to work out. Evie was up around 9:00, but Marlena slept in. I decided to get some exercise so I went for a forty-five-minute walk around the development and almost got lost as the roads wound back and forth and the houses seemed much the same. It felt good to be out and I walked a mile and a half. 

Marlena And Me

Once Tom and Mary returned, we watched some games, then the World Cup, and picked at the Thanksgiving dinner for lunch, warming up the turkey, stuffing, green beans, and mashed potatoes. Yum. At half time of the US/England futbol game, we left for a gathering at Tommy's oldest friend in Kansas City. He lives a half hour away and has an interesting house sitting on Lake Lotawana. It used to be the Mafia mob bosses' home in the 1930s and when Mike bought it, it needed lots of work. Now, it's spectacular, all stone, sitting on 150 feet of lakefront. 

Kansas City Mob Boss, Johnny Lazia's former home

For some reason, it reminds me of something out of the Godfather films. We went on a tour of the house and separate garage with an apartment above and it was made up of small rooms but tastefully done. Tommy, Mike, and I spent much of the time talking about the history of the house, and basketball because all three of us played it in high school.  While we grabbed.  the girls played  Bananagrams and Scrabble. It was a fun way to spend a couple of hours in the afternoon. 

A Fun Afternoon

We were back by dinnertime and had enough turkey for the day so we decided on another dinner of spaghetti and meatballs at Evie's request and it was even better than Wednesday night. Tom was excited because Kansas was playing Tennesee in the championship game of a tournament but they played poorly and lost to an inferior team. That was enough sports for the night so we ended up watching a series on Netflix called Dead To Me, which we liked and thought Tom and Mary might as well. Like the past two nights, we were all tired by 9:45 and ready for bed. Marlena, however, was out to dinner with friends and spent the night with them. 

Friday, November 25, 2022

The Morning After


A Dog And His Friend

Pup, Granny, And Marlena


It's 6:50  and I have been up for an hour, joined only by Bella who barked to be let outside. I'm still full from yesterday's dinner. It's a chilly 33º with an absolutely clear sky, not a cloud in sight. A great day for Black Friday shoppers!

The Gals

Thanksgiving was typical here in Lees Summit and like much of the US, it was a day filled with lots of football or futbol, depending on your tastes, and great food. I was up a good hour or two before anyone else but by 9:30, all but Marlena were up and either finishing their coffee or prepping something for dinner. Tom was smoking the turkey so he had it out in the smoker by 10:00 after brining it overnight. We had eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast and were surprised to see that Kansas, Tom's favorite team, was playing Wisconsin on TV. It was a thriller, right down to the last-second shot to win for Kansas. 

With Granny

Nick and Aundraya, the newlyweds, arrived at 11:30 and they look great, both seem to be enjoying married life and their jobs. Nick was hungry so Mary heated up some of her meatballs and sauce for him as we sat down to watch the Bills/Lions which we saved because it overlapped the basketball game. We watched the first half, paused it, and drove a couple of miles to Tom and Mary's new site for the house they will be building. It does not look like much at the moment, just dirt and a ravine but it's going to be spectacular, with a view, a great porch, and most likely, a pool. We then drove around the corner to a trailhead and went for a short walk in the woods that's just below where they will be building their house. 

At The Home Site

Strike A Pose

Working Up An Appetite


Mom And Daughter In Law

When we returned home, Mary pulled out the appetizers, cheeses, and red pepper jelly, and we enjoyed them along with special libations, coffee martinis for the gals, and old fashions for Evie, Tom, and me. We (Evie and Me) were excited by Bill's last-minute win. It was fun talking much of the afternoon with Nick and Audraya and we will be seeing their new apartment Saturday night. Their complex also has a fabulous Fitness Center, with everything from weights, machines, and saunas, to both indoor and outdoor pools. Just like our first apartment in 1965. We did have a garage. 

Turkey Dinner

The turkey and fixings were ready and spread out on the island, ready for eating. We had everything we desired, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, rolls, and salad. We all thought it was one of the best Thanksgiving dinners ever. I did miss the rutabaga and creamed onions of my youth, but not really. We did not want to leave the table but finally Frank said he wanted apple pie and ice cream so we quickly cleared the table, cleaned up the kitchen, and got out the pie and ice cream despite being stuffed with dinner. Evie suggested we watch Last Flag Flying. Like all films we recommend, there were a couple of uncomfortable scenes we had forgotten about but overall, everyone liked the film. Nick and Aundraya had to leave early, unfortunately, but they can watch the end at home. By the time the film was over and we watched more football, we were all ready for bed by 9:45. 


Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving In Kansas City

Bella and Her Happy Family

 It's 7:00 here in Lees Summit, a suburb of Kansas City and I am sitting in my son Tom's living room, enjoying a coffee as everyone else sleeps. It looks like a cloudy day, with a high in the upper 50s, a good day to smoke rather than fry a turkey.

Thanksgiving Morning In Missouri

Yesterday's eight-hour drive went faster than we thought. We left Dallas by 7:15 and hit heavy traffic on Interstate 75 for the first half hour and then it thinned out, especially when we got on #69.  We avoided the major interstate although most of the way was on divided highways through Northern Texas and much of Oklahoma until we got to Joplin, in the south of Missouri, still a couple hours from Kansas City. We were slowed down occasionally by a town, some tiny, others like Muskogee. It drizzled the first hour, then stayed overcast until we entered Missouri when we got some sun. 



Abandoned Barn

We arrived at Tom's at 3:00, just about eight hours after we left Dallas. What a relief to get out of the car and hug family, knowing we won't have a long drive for another few days. Marlena was home from school, so we were happy to see her along with Tom, Mary, and Mary's Dad, Frank. Tom brought in our bags and we were settled in their living room, ready to catch up on their lives, especially Marlena's life in the Phi Mu sorority house. Mary and Tom had a huge pot of tomato sauce simmering and earlier had made meatballs so dinner was ready. And while we were relaxing with a glass of wine, Mary and her Dad fried up some eggplant for our dinner. Everyone seems good, Marlena loves school, and Tom and Mary are excited because they just closed on a piece of property and will be having a home built in the next year or so. 

With Marlena

A Couple Of Cuties

Dinner was our Kansas City favorite, Mary's pasta sauce, spaghetti, and homemade meatballs, with fried eggplant for the first time. We were all hungry but hardly made a dent in the pasta and meatballs although the eggplant was practically gone. We had tiramisus for dessert from Costco and they were pretty good. We then relaxed, watching the TV occasionally but catching up on our travels and their lives.  Tom's been busy with work and was on the phone quite a bit during the afternoon.  All of us were tired by 9:30, especially Evie and me so we went downstairs to our bedroom and fell asleep almost immediately. 


We can't wait until later this morning to see their son Nick and his bride Aundraya who live nearby. 

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