Friday, February 5, 2021

A Wintry Mix

Nuthatch Up Close





It warmed up yesterday, temperatures in the 30's so that we received some wet snow and rain overnight. When I stepped outside to take a photograph of the morning sky, I could hear the water draining from the roof in the gutters.  From today on, however, it's only going to get colder, much colder, perhaps dropping near zero late next week.

Evie Of The Lake

Yesterday we knew that it was supposed to rain late Thursday night, that skiing on the lake might be compromised by the precipitation so we were determined to get in a good morning of cross country skiing. We were fortunate, too, to have blue skies so after the morning's routines of coffee, breakfast and the blog, we sprayed our skis with a silicon liquid, to keep them from freezing up and had a good hour out on the lake, skiing down to Bootey Bay and back, the wind no problem.  At times, the lake was icy, at others, we had to ski through mini drifts, created by the heavy winds.  Skiing on the lake is quite a contrast to skiing in the woods because your vista is so vast, a huge white plate as opposed to a narrow path, hedged by trees.  We love them both.  

Lake Guy

Drinking Up

Our afternoon was much the same as most days, a good lunch, this time a stack of buttermilk pancakes, drenched in maple syrup, as I finished my series, Shooter.  While I then read and napped, Evie was a busy bee, taking apart our pantry, throwing out things that expired, and then putting everything back in some semblance of order although we know it won't stay that way for long,  By 5:00, she was done with the pantry and prepped our dinner, Man Pleasing Chicken, marinating thighs in Dijon Mustard and Maple Syrup.  I decided since it was supposed to rain overnight, that I would get in one more cross country skiing on the lake, I skied off at 5:20, down Woodlawn and through campground then headed back on the lake.  By the time I got home, it was dark, and only a few fishing tents were left on the lake.

Cross Country Skiing At 5:49 PM

Darkness At 6:00

Dinner was basically ready when I returned.  The Man Pleasing Chicken was pleasing, a nice almost burnt skin on each thigh with some sauce, along with rice and a salad.  Fortunately, we have enough leftover for another dinner, Yum. We watched Colbert of course, then a couple of more episodes of the French series Lupin, decent not great.  We ended the night with an episode of Better Things and I was anxious to get back to my book.

In case you have a man (or woman) you would like to please, here is the Man Pleasing Chicken Recipe:





    Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
    Mix together dijon mustard, maple syrup, and rice wine vinegar.
    Place chicken in an oven-proof baking dish (lines with foil) and sprinkle with Salt and Pepper. Pour the mustard mixture over them, turning the thighs in the mixture so they are fully coated.
    Bake for 40 minutes or until the meat is cooked (165 degrees). Halfway through basting the chicken with the sauce.
    Let the chicken rest for 5 minutes before serving. Then sprinkle with fresh rosemary. Enjoy!   

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