Saturday, June 8, 2019

Sun Rising On A Blue Sky Morning




It's just 6:00, the sun's up and I have been awake since 5:00, again.  It's a beautiful June morning, a crispness in the air, 51º, and it looks like a busy boating day as I can hear the roar of mucho boats already, the first at 5:30.  It's just before 8:00 and I have been out paddling for over an hour on a spectacular morning, calm lake, sun, a few other boats and kayaks, alas, but they did not bother me; my church is large. It's amazing what happens when I have not been kayaking for a week; the phlox appear, the reeds grow a couple of feet.

Kayak Morning In The Reeds
Wild Phlox Along Long Point
Yesterday was another busy day because we were having Austin over to help with a few things that needed to be done.  That didn't mean that we just sat around.  Evie was busy in the morning with her garden, weeding after five days of neglect.  It's amazing how fast weeds can grow if it rains.  I pulled a few extra flower boxes down from the garage so she could plant some of the seeds we bought at the Merrifield Nursery.  She also filled a number of yogurt containers with more seeds, hoping they get a good start.

While she was busy, Austin and I  worked on putting the base for our new flag pole.  First, however, we made sure we had all the parts to the telescoping flag pole. We did.  We then got out the shovels and worked at digging a hole for the base, basicall 12X 26X inches deep.  Once we got that done, we put in three inches of gravel before setting in the base, a 3-inch piece of PVS.  We then filled the hole with 100 pounds of cement, making sure the base was level.  It did not take as long as I thought.  We left it to dry and sometime today I will put the rest of the pole up. 

Around noon I had a quesadilla and watched some of the French Open, then took a brief nap before helping Austin, who had been busy trying to fix the screen on our back porch door and putting on a new coat of paint.  Once that was done, we had the arduous task of removing the aluminum seat poles from my boat.  They held the fishing seats but we never used them.  Anyways, it took us a good hour to get them out because all the screws were corroded and had to be wrenched out.  We both worked up a sweat doing it. 

Midafternoon, Evie got her mojo back and did what she loves, cut the lawns, both ours and our neighbors.  She kept track of how far she walked, five miles total for the day, most of it cutting the lawns.  We then went for a nice boat ride, our usual cruise over to Bemus and home on a lake which was getting increasingly choppy as the wind picked up.

By 6:00, we put away all the tools, closed up the garage and settled down to some wine and a really good cheese, a reward for our busy day.  We dragged our wine time out because we had an easy dinner, chili from the freezer.  All Evie had to do was boil some spaghetti noodles and make a salad and dinner was ready in ten minutes.  We watched some Colbert, news, then basketball before going up to read and sleep.  It was a busy and productive day.  

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