Sunday, June 2, 2019

Rest And Recovery

World Problems Solved Over Coffee

Morning in Bristow

Spring Green
It's a beautiful morning in Virginia, a pleasant 59ยบ and I am sitting out on the screened in porch just as the sun has begun to peek through the treetops.  I can hear a few birds chirping in the distance and the sound of the morning sprinklers, watering the lawns, reminding me of Florida mornings.  Because we have solved all the worlds problems already,  Drew is off mountain biking at a nearby park as I sit here, writing the blog.  It made me want to get on my bike and ride.  By the way, we added a couple of photographs of Jill's family through the years because we forgot to take any photos yesterday.

Thanksgiving, 2018
Yesterday was a day of leisure for Evie and me, another party day for Jill and family.  Drew was up early and I joined him, as we cleaned up the yard from Friday night's party and cleaned up the house as the girls slept in.  I have to admit Drew did most of the work with me being his helper.  Everyone was up by 10:30, enjoying coffee on the porch, talking about what fun Friday night's party had been for all.  Everyone was on their own for breakfast but for me as Evie made me a couple of egg/guacamole tacos from the previous night's leftovers.  Yum.

Chautauqua Lake,  2014
At 1:00, the gang left us for the first of three graduation parties, with another one at 2:00 and one later in the afternoon at 5:00.  So we were left on our own for much of the afternoon which was fine as we needed to the time to recuperate from our drive and partying.  By 3:00, however, we were on the road to the nearest T. J. Maxx, so Evie could do some shopping.  We were there for forty-five minutes and Evie was able to find a few things she liked.  We ended our spree at Target, picking up a few things for dinner and shopping for shoes but no luck.  Jill and Drew were home when we returned and we sat outside talking until 5:30 when they left for party number three.

At The Lake, 2013
Around 6:00, Evie and I enjoyed a Shocktop beer, then at 7:00 we had taco salads, again with the leftovers from the previous night.  There's enough to feed another 15 or 20 people by the way.  Jill and Drew returned around 8:30 and we sat outside until 10:00, talking about the day and making plans for the next couple of days.  Today they have two engagements but around 4:00 we are going off to a winery in the country which also serves beer for the men like Drew and me.  

Bristow, VA, 2011

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